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“Just because things are falling apart around you doesn’t mean you have to feel bad inside.

Just because everything is going to hell in a hand basket doesn’t mean you have to.

Just because everyone is jumping off a cliff doesn’t mean you should.

Just because there is a violent storm circling you doesn’t mean you have to be affected.

Be the eye of the hurricane instead.

Discover your inner peace. Go to your center. Breathe.  Live higher. Think higher. Act higher. Meditate. Reflect. Let go. Let the world do its thing around you. Stay steady. Focus on what you want. Remain positive. Determine to see it through. Persist. Be grateful.

Do it.


Don’t do it.

The choice is always yours.

Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

As you decide it will be it will be. Make your day marvelous!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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