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invest in yourself

“The new day is opportunity. Buddha is reported to have said, ‘each day you are born again’. The old is gone, the new is now. Begin your day enthusiastically. It makes a great difference! It is important!

Set aside enough time to do things that make you feel wonderful. To enjoy better days and nights it all begins when you arise. Steal an hour to dedicate to your personal development. It’s a great habit to cultivate. You will be amazed at how much betters the days become!

A few things you can do: Yoga, exercise, meditate, walk, enjoy nature. Read or listen to positive motivational materials. Smile all the while you get ready. Laugh for 5 or more minutes. Visualize your goals and dreams already accomplished and enjoy the feelings.

Ask Directed Questions.  Immerse yourself in gratitude and review what you appreciate. Feel your gratefulness! Chant enthusiastically your affirmations. Sing, dance. Fill your mind and being with joy. What you put out there you get more back. Like attracts like.

Do one or more of these. Spend your time in service of you. DO things that make you feel joyful, positive and confident. Set the tone for the rest of the day. As a friend of mine said, ‘a kiss in the evening is great, but you can enjoy a morning kiss the entire day.’

Make a habit of starting your day off right and make you will make the rest of your day incredible. Once you begin this practice all your days will be more fulfilling and enjoyable. I promise! Your best days are ahead of you!” Rex Sikes

Have a fantastic day!

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