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“Notice the infographic or meme states something you must understand. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. That means everything already exists. Nothing can be added or taken away. Energy exists in potential form or kinetic. Energy is never lost. It always is. It can be converted from one form to another. Once might say it can be converted from an unrealized form to a realized form. Understand?

Charles Haanel put it this way. ‘Life is an unfoldment, not accretion. What comes to us in the world without is what we already possess in the world within.’ It is an unfoldment. What you want, already exists. What you don’t want, already exists. What you become conscious and focus on IS what you transmute from unrealized to realized. From within to without. Everything exists. You manifest it.

To get mostly what you want you must be dedicated in mind, feelings, speech and action to what you want otherwise you’ll get whatever you predominantly are focused on. If you hate your mode of transportation, it’s not likely you are going to get anything else UNLESS you use that hate to propel you into focusing on what you prefer instead and remaining dedicated to that. What you focus on you get.


People complain they aren’t getting what they want and that’s because they are complaining about not getting what they want. They are focused on the lack. They are focused on the opposite of what they want. Instead of being devoted to the goodness they desire they are devoted to the fear, worry, doubt, frustration they don’t. They focus on the donut hole, not the donut. The gap and not the bridge. Get it?

In this recent series of blog posts I shared some methods and principles and practices you can apply to steer your focus to what you want to be, do and have. It’s important to know which direction you are traveling in. Are you traveling in the direction and remaining focused on the good you desire or are you getting distracted and off course. Awareness matters. Stay focused on the direction you desire most.

That’s why clarity of purpose matters. Know what you want and become passionate about it. Hill called it a white-hot obsession. Why is that? Because he meant we must want it so much it is predominant in our thoughts and feelings then there isn’t room for the unwanted thoughts and feelings. Dedication to what you want, that commitment to it is what transmutes it from unrealized to realized. Get this.


Use the practices and principles to set your mind and feelings into motion towards the direction you want to travel. As you do you move from the potential energy to the energy of movement. You begin to make things happen. When you realize fully YOU are doing it, not consciously, but because you’ve aligned your conscious with your subconscious and the universe you become a congruent manifestor.

You already can manifest and do. Some desirable and much undesirable. If you are struggling to make things happen that struggle is more of what you get back. Remember, you get what you’re focused on. Energy can’t be created or destroyed but it can be transformed. The Bible says, ‘Be not conformed to the world but transform yourself by the renewing of your mind.’ Don’t focus on the without. Get it?

Stop trying to change circumstances and change yourself instead.  Focus on within. What is within you unfolds by your thoughts, feelings, speech and actions. You bring about what you think and feel strongly about. You bring about what occupies your attention most often and most intensely. It IS all about vibration. Are you primarily positive, optimistic, enthusiastic, upbeat, delighted and celebrating?


If not, you get what you already are within. You get your worries, concerns, struggles and fears. Instead transform YOURSELF. Who are you? How’s your vibe? Change that and you change everything! That’s why attitude matters so much. It is your vibe. It is who you predominantly think and feel you are. Activate your attitude and you transform. When you can celebrate everything, your life becomes so much more wonderful. Why? Because you find good in all of it, Get it. Learn how to do it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I hope you’ve found this brief series illuminating and helpful. If you’d like more assistance, reach out to me. Also, please feel free to comment and share. Much love, peace and blessings to you and yours.


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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