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“If you want to live in more abundance, improve your cash flow, create and sustain loving relationships, enjoy more leisure time with family and friends, stop struggling and working so hard, overcome hardship, problems, frustration, sadness, depression, loneliness and anger; if you want to live the life of your dreams then you must stop listening to the wrong people and doing wrong things.

So many modern-day gurus got it wrong! They have you chasing dreams, struggling, working hard to change your circumstances, to overcome hardship and defeat and to wage battle against all that holds you back. Change the people, the events, the circumstances, work hard, sacrifice, risk and all will be well. Give up family, your leisure and your friends and pursue your goals to the utmost.

That may work but that’s not the path of least resistance but the path of most resistance. The universe works by the Laws of Conservation or energy and Least Effort. It does the minimum required to make the maximum change. We must adhere to, follow and apply the laws. The Law of Vibration is about positive frequency and intensity. It’s about how you live your daily life. What you do daily.


Working extra hard and giving up an enjoyable life for decades can work but what’s the trade-off? Plenty of people die with regrets and those regrets never are they should have sacrificed more and worked harder. They never say, ‘if I only owned another car or house.’ They regret missing out on life, missing their family and kids grow up. They regret not becoming who they could become. Get it.

There are plenty of truly sad and pathetic rich people who have everything except what matters. There are plenty of very poor people who have nothing but they’re abundantly joyful and grateful for the little they have. It isn’t what you do or have that matters. It’s who you are. It’s who you become on the journey. Who YOU are determines what you’ll do and what you get to have. YOU do it.

So, stop getting bogged down. Stop chasing dreams and fighting with your circumstances. Discover that when you become a person for whom manifesting IS easy everything else becomes easy too. It is BE IT, then from being it you DO IT and from right actions the results are you HAVE IT. It IS not, do it to have it to be it. Get this. Your thoughts determine who you are. What you think you become.


Who you are, what you think, your beliefs and attitudes matter most! What you feel matters. What you say and do matters. Where you put your attention is where your energy and power go to. What you focus on is what you get. Thoughts become things. You must understand you are the cause. Circumstances are the effect. From within to without. Change the cause to change the effect.

Here’s what Charles Haanel had to say, ‘You will at once see that this is a radically new and different idea; most men try to change effects by working with effects. They fail to see that this is simply changing one form of distress for another. To remove discord, we must remove the cause, and this cause can be found only in the world within.’ Stop trying to change circumstances. Change yourself!

Change yourself and you can and will transform your circumstances. Stop wasting time, energy, effort and money to change the outer world. First change your inner world. Become the kind of person for whom manifesting is easy. It begins with your attitude and outlook. You look out at the world from within your attitude, beliefs, values and thoughts. You see from the inside out. It’s called OUTlook!


Change your outlook and everything changes. It’s why attitude is the number one predictor for success in all areas of your life. Get this and everything can be different and far more wonderful. Yes, you can have great prosperity. You can have wonderful family, friends and romantic relationships. You can enjoy a life of abundance in all areas of your business and personal life.

You can have money and enjoy all of it with gratitude and love when you first seek to be your authentic self, love, respect and appreciate yourself and others. ‘Be not conformed to the world. Be transformed by the renewing of the mind.’ Realize who you are and the power that comes from within and you can shape and mold the outer to your liking. Fill yourself with love and gratitude.

If you don’t, you get what you already are within. You get your worries, concerns, struggles and fears. Instead transform YOURSELF. Who are you? How’s your vibe? Change that and you change everything! That’s why attitude matters so much. It is your vibe. It is who you predominantly think and feel you are. Activate your attitude and you transform. Try to change the outer and suffer.


The Law of Attraction is really about the Law of Vibration. Your energy, who you are, your vibration determines what you manifest and attract. You are already manifesting whether it’s good or not-so-good. Manifestation of abundance, prosperity, love, peace, family, friends, money, relationships is up to you. Be an agent of positive manifestation by becoming that kind of person. Live it. You’ll have it.

The Universal Laws are always working. You’re either working in harmony with them or you’re out of sync. Being in harmony means attracting and creating the positive good you desire. Out of sync means you attract by default all manner of discord and distraction because you aren’t focused on creating and attracting good. Abundance is already yours. Align with it. That’s how attraction works.

FIRST BE IT and you’ll do what is necessary naturally to create, attract and have it. You’ll get there results you desire when you first become it. BE, Do, Have! When you can celebrate everything, life becomes so much more wonderful. Why? Because you find good in all of it, Get it? Learn how to do it. THIS IS the way it works. Work in harmony with the Laws of the Universe.


You develop the positive attitude, the mindset and the beliefs to become it. From being that high-vibration positive person is how you make the Law of Attraction work the way you’d like it to. It IS how you transform the most, travel the farthest, make the most headway, in the easiest, swiftest and the most enjoyable way. The journey matters the most. Become it and life transforms incredibly. Try to change circumstances and you will endlessly struggle. Within to without. As above, so below. Make every moment magical, memorable, miraculous and magnificent BECAUSE you can. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I hope you’ve found this brief series illuminating and helpful. If you’d like assistance, reach out to me. I’m always here for you. Please comment and share. Much love, peace and blessings to you and yours.


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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