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“Research tells us you find what you look for. Expectations become reality. What we expect sets the frame and our unconscious works to bring it about. What opportunities you notice or don’t are determined by your expectations and attitude. You make it so!

The stronger you dread, fear, or worry about it the more likely you engineer your behaviors and find events and circumstances that prove you right. We don’t like to be wrong. We don’t like cognitive dissonance so we do things, albeit, unconsciously to make it so.

It works because you’ve made up your mind. You focus on it. You think about it. You don’t want it. By doing this you make more of it happen. You create your personal world. You attract what you don’t want. You create what you don’t want because you obsess on it.

Crush Manifesting & Skyrocket Your Abundance Beginning Today

If you’d do a similar thing with your positive goals and dreams you’d attract and create those. The more you’re passionate, obsessed and focus on the good, the more opportunities you notice that helps you live the good life. This IS how the brain works. You are doing it.

Whatever you think about most becomes your target. Whatever you believe will occur is most likely. The example ‘don’t think of a blue elephant’ indicates you can’t not think of something by trying to avoid it. It remains centermost in your mind. Understand?

You must let go. You must drop the problems and what you do not want and focus on what you do want. Do this repeatedly, for long  enough, consistently, correctly until you develop certainty. Develop faith and the absolute certainty you will make it happen. Get it?

Now You Can Crush Manifesting And Skyrocket Your Abundance!

You transform into a positive goal getting machine. You make your unconscious work for you. Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) finds the good and opportunities when you’re focused on the good or it finds the problems and misses opportunities when you don’t.

Understand? Set the best positive intention for yourself and others, Maintain certainty in yourself and your abilities and you’ll make and allow good to show up. During the process if bad shows up correct it and continue. Adjust and keep your mind aimed on the good.

Persist. Stick with it. Don’t give up. Continue to activate your attitude and your resources to get the good you desire. It’s a simple process, simply described. Anyone can find problems if they’re looking for them or if they don’t like outcomes received.

Here’s How You Crush Manifesting & Skyrocket Your Abundance

How to promote overall goodness is the larger question. Instead of living with, ‘this sucks’. Think, feel, speak and act in one accord, aligned, congruent and certain you can get what you desire most. ‘Okay, this is what I’ve been dealt. How do I make it good?’

Then decide, intend and take charge to make it better. You want to keep moving forward in positive ways. You know, make lemonade from lemons. So, that all becomes good. What we are dealt is what we are dealt. What we do with that is up to us. This is important!

This is how  you can make the best of it. Get it? You’ re in charge of your present and future. Let go of what you don’t want. Focus on what you do. (Remember, from my book and previous blogs there are specific ways you can make good happen much easier than how you may be going about it.) It’s all in how you think about it. Practice gratitude and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS For good mental and physical health read Life On Your Terms

PSS “This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across. I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue, Author, Entrepreneur (Frank Perdue Chicken)


Read my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want for many more powerful practices and ideas to live happily and successfully. It’s an especially important book during tough times. Read it in advance of difficult times to be prepared or during tough times to know what to do and what not to do to get better results!

Make good things happen. Get it today! Here’s the link:


Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Great as gifts too!

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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