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your thoughts become words

“Consider the people in your life. If there is something positive you wanted to tell someone, tell them. Invest in your important people. Invest in your relationships. Realize how fortunate you are to have them in your life. What would life be like without them?

If you need to repair or work out issues between you decide how you can improve the situation so it leaves you both better off. Explore how you can better communicate and spend time together. Forgive those you need to and ask for the forgiveness you need. Better to forgive and forget than poison oneself with a grudge.

Practice the Golden Rule.  It is a powerful way to change yourself. When you seek to first offer the best to others without reserve, without judgement you elevate yourself. What you send out you get back. Hold others in the highest possible esteem and you raise your own. Practice compassion and understanding. Go First!

Help others. Help them in thought and word and deed. Bless, heal and prosper in all that you do. Share it forward and do good things just for the sake of doing good things. Help make others happy, peaceful and successful and you will enjoy the same. Like attracts like. You plant positive seeds when you ‘pay it forward’.

Spend time with and put your family first. Let them know how much you care and that you are lucky to have them. They care about you even if you don’t think they do. Strengthen your ties to these people closest to you. Tell them you love and appreciate them. Actions speak louder than words. Then do the same with your friends.

Take some time to meet new people who can help open new opportunities for you, and you them, whether it is social or business. Whether you meet in a gym, a party, the office or on a bus you never know who you might meet that will impact your life in positive ways or you theirs. Seek people who uplift you and inspire you. Birds of a feather flock together. Find good, positive, caring, successful friends.

Separate yourself or spend less time with those who drain you or bring you down.  Make sure you aren’t just avoiding those who challenge you to be better or offer honest feedback. Sometimes people have important things we should hear and pay attention to.

Cut out those who only take from you and give you nothing in return. Some people are energy vampires who suck energy, emotions, money, time and well being from others. If you can’t avoid certain people, don’t buy into complaining or whining, yours or theirs. Stay positively focused. Concentrate on the good.

Help a stranger. Do something nice. It can be an individual you smile at, share a laugh with, or contribute to in some way. You might open a door for someone or volunteer at a hospital or for a children’s center or a shelter. Giving to and helping others not only benefits them it benefits you. The world is better off when we assist each other.

Surround yourself with your loved and cherished family. Hang out with old and new friends that make you feel incredible. Help them feel incredible, be there for each other. Accept them without judging. Let them be totally who they are without conditions.

Seek the best together and enjoy each other the most. Make every person you keep around someone you choose to keep around. Love them. Add value to them and value them beyond anything else. Realize how lucky you are! Enjoy your important people” Rex Sikes

Today, spend time with someone you love? Have a great day!

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