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“Isn’t it true the more circumstances are difficult the more you want to get past them. The feelings grow stronger.  You want to get be rid of or beyond them. The desire to live happily and fully increases. The more difficult it gets the more you want the opposite.

When you have had enough you will change it. If you don’t buckle or give in you will triumph. When backed against the wall is when people find their backbone. Prior to the last resort they waffle and wallow and allow the bad to increase. It is like a water dam.

All that water backs up beyond the wall. There is tremendous energy their.  The weight of the water is great. It is dammed up. When appropriately released water from the dam is used to generate electricity. The direct the flow to make good things happen.

Choose Which Side Of The Fence You Want To Be On – Decide

When circumstances suck you need to stop focusing on the circumstances as negative and understand you have an opportunity to gather your resources. You have an opportunity to gather your energy. You now know precisely what you do not wan.t

It is time to define and clarify precisely what you do want and channel your energies into that. Put your attention on what you want and utilize the gathered momentum from the circumstances to propel you forward. Think, ‘never again!’ Not this BUT THIS!

Put your attention into what you want to create and use the energy you amassed to move away from the negative. Move into the positive. Direct the flow. Put it to work for you creating more positive energy. Stop being a victim and be the victor.

If You Really Want Something Badly Enough You’ll Find A Way

Declare victory. Say enough already. Stop being negative and move into the positive. Never let the negative grab hold of you, instead use it to propel you from it into positive accomplishment. Some people get sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Some won’t tolerate poverty so they create wealth. They refuse to live the way they were and they create new circumstances the prefer. You can too. This is your power. You have power to choose how you want to live. You have power to create your future. Decide to live the life you want. Create your best life ever. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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