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Believing is seeing. Perception is everything. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right. You have heard these thoughts before. Energy flows where attention goes. A change of thinking changes our perception of the world.  You create reality.

Our brain, our RAS, actually looks for matches in reality to our predominant thoughts. We see and find opportunity, otherwise missed, when we are focused on the positive. Enjoy this article on how open-mindedness and meditation affects our perceptions.

Click to read article then use back button to return here. For some reason WP doesn’t allow me to open article in another internal window. Come back. Enjoy the rest, leave a comment or share!

Click Here To Read: Open-Minded People Have A Different Visual Perception Of Reality

Hope you enjoyed that. Welcome back.

I’d venture that personality is comprised of numerous thought habits. It is not static but dynamic and we can change it by directing our minds. When we do we perceive differently. I’m not sure research into personality is as meaningful as is how we are able to alter perceptions. Still, we can affect our perceptions. What do you think? Meanwhile, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

If you haven’t seen my FB LIVE here it is: Study it. Take notes. Click Here To Watch Create Your Best Life With Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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