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“Lots of people want to change the world. Probably, it’s more accurate to say, lots of people want to change their circumstances. They want out of debt, bad relationships or loneliness, to escape from worry, fear, doubt or sadness. They want to feel better. Do you?

Some want to improve the world for everyone. Either way, it seems hard to do. The mystic poet Rumi had a thought about this. ‘Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. ‘ This is a profound realization. Change yourself!

Gandhi said, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ I’ve always maintained you must ‘go first’. You get back what you put out there. Change yourself and you change how you respond to circumstances and the world. When you do this everything changes. Discover it!

Change Your Thoughts And You Change Your World

‘You can light a million candles from just one.’ Once you change, then the world can change. One lit candle at a time. The only condition is your candle must be lit first! Get it? Change yourself and you do change the world. Go first! That’s how it works best. Do it and see.

Change your less than glorious, ‘I can’t,’ thoughts to positive, glorious, ‘I can,’ thoughts, and you change for the better. You think, feel and act better. You get better results as a result! When you change for the better the world changes one candle at a time. Do it now. Light your candle. Vibe high. Stay positive. Be the change you want to see. Practice gratitude and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“Instead of wallowing in anger, frustration, and resentment, I use Mind Design to direct my brain to focus in new and exciting ways, and discover how resourceful I am. The results I’m getting are phenomenal.” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA

“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland


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Enroll In Mind Design™  Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

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