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“People limit themselves by feeling strong negative emotions about what they want or don’t have. They feel strongly afraid, or hurt or depressed and end up getting back more of the same. The subconscious delivers or reproduces strong emotions regardless of whether they are positive or negative. These emotions become habitual or the default mode in which they live. Instead of living life they dread it.

If they don’t dread it they tolerate it. The attitude is ‘same s%*t, different day’ or ‘if life is a bowl of cherries, I am living in the pits.’ These attitudes, moods, mindsets become so pervasive, and fit so well, most people don’t even realize they go through life this way. They miss out without noticing it. Sure, they know they miss the good things, don’t have enough and are dissatisfied. BUT…

They don’t realize they are doing it. They are perpetuating the very notions and experiences they do not want. To change, one must become aware of their part in the process. You can’t claim to be a victim and take charge of your life. You must decide to stop doing the old ways and begin doing the new. You must pay attention to what messages you are sending your subconscious and change them.

Don’t be haphazard. You can’t be haphazard, that’s what got you there. You must put yourself in charge and aim your thoughts and feelings like a laser beam. If you want to be happy you must choose to be happy. If you want love in your life you must choose to be loving. If you want to be rich you must choose to be wealthy. If you want health, you must dedicate yourself to having it and healing.

Zest for life is what makes life worth living. Happy and successful people are passionate and intense. They go for what they want. They choose to be happy and successful. They enjoy their lives and their work. Their emotions are powerful. You can feel their energy when you’re around them. Creative energy is intense. They pursue their dreams with passion and expect to succeed. They expect it.

They know it. People who make money (think, ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ ) are intense. While that isn’t a healthy example it demonstrates that they don’t sit and let life happen to them. They make their lives what they want them to be. They’re not half-assed, namby-pamby, wishy washy, ‘oh well, ho hum’ people. They live to their fullest. They grab life and make life work for them. Attitude is everything.

When you live with passion, when you fill yourself with positive feelings and energy you become unstoppable. You don’t need to be licentious to enjoy life as in the example. Better if you aren’t. When you live with goodness, kindness, compassion and generosity things work out better for you because you connect with others who live similarly. Then you’ve access to positive opportunities and resources.

You become a powerhouse. Feel your power. How you think determines how you feel. How you feel determines how you think. Energy flows where attention goes. If you want to feel better, think better. If you want to think better, put a spring in your step. Shake up your body, dance, skip, twirl. Stand and move with confidence, energy and liveliness. Energy begets energy. Act alive and you feel alive.

The more you feel the good feelings now the more changes you will readily make. Live with passion. Feel fully. Commit to feeling WAY better than okay. Notice when you aren’t feeling good and take steps to feel better. Even if you only make yourself feel a little bit better, you are doing something valuable. You are either growing or dying. You are either positive or negative.

The more and the longer you devote yourself to thinking positively about yourself and your goals while feeling intensely wonderful, the more quickly and easily your life will change. The more time you spend smiling and feeling happy the better off you will be. You are either feeling good or you are not. Notice, become aware, and make the positive changes as necessary.

Live as the driver in charge of your life. Steer your thoughts and feelings to the most positive and glorious. Take yourself to the places you want to go. The more time you spend thinking and feeling wonderfully, the more wonderful you will be. You get and become what you spend most of your time thinking about. Take charge of your life and live it fully and completely.

After all, what else is there? Life is to be enjoyed. Few do, but you can. Appreciation appreciates! Express your gratitude, your joys and your love and passion much more often. Make it a daily ritual to be grateful and celebrate. Enjoy life. Love yourself. Do it. Decide to think, feel and live better. Speak better and act better. Be positive and optimistic. Smile and exude positivity.

You will discover that by taking small steps in the right direction, though it may seem unfamiliar, awkward or difficult at first, it becomes easier and easier. Just as you get better at anything with correct practice, you’ll get better with this. When you feel vibrantly positive and alive you can get through any hardship faster. When you celebrate and feel thankful and aren’t distracted by any circumstances you excel. FEEL GOOD NOW makes all the difference in the world. Decide to live passionately and fully one day at a time and you’ll notice an incredible difference. You’re able to do this. Grab today with gusto. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

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“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D


©2020 Book Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC


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