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“Some people struggle and worry and never seem to get ahead of the curve. They hope and wish and fret to no avail. They miss most of their life because they are too caught up. They try but can’t secure the future nor repair the past. They need to stop and get present.

Some people think that focusing on the present is like being in a barrel on the ocean drifting wherever the current takes you. For me, focusing on the present is like being in a sailboat and navigating whatever the universe presents. Life is what life is right now.

Some people want to escape what is. Don’t. Whether you face choppy, windblown waters or calm sunny seas you accept what is. You adjust and go with the flow.  You don’t give in. You don’t give up. You do whatever is necessary or enjoyable IN the moment.

The Art Of Life Is To Live In The Present – Be Here Now

You keep your destination in mind as you attend to what is currently going on. You know where you want to go yet you live right now. You enjoy the present moment. You enjoy the journey as it unfolds. You accept and overcome the obstacles as part of the journey.

It is what IS. You enjoy the fun, exciting moments. The calm moments.  The boring moments. Whatever IS is what IS.  You accept wherever you are in the moment. You allow and embrace it. It is your blessing. There truly is nothing else but right now. Breathe it in.

Your mind tries to escape into thoughts of past or future. Those don’t exist now. You exist now. Live in the present and become aware. This moment is all you have. Live in it. Live it fully. Stay with right now. Bring your attention to here. Allow now to be all it is.

Past Might Be A Nice Place To Visit But Not A Good Place To Stay

I repeat. The past is gone except for what your entertain in your mind. The future has yet to unfold even if you spend all your time welcoming it or worrying about it. It isn’t here yet. Fully appreciate what is going on now! Be grateful for all of it. Live in full gratitude.

Be grateful for the obstacles and challenges. Be grateful for every experience; event; thing and person; for all of it is a gift to you. You are alive. You get to experience this present moment. Others do not. You are blessed to have this moment, whatever the moment is.

When you are filled with gratitude and appreciation for what it IS, for whatever IS, then you are free. Then you are free to transform your self and the world around you. It isn’t even that you are doing it. You keep what you want, your destination, in mind, and allow it.

The Present Moment Is All We Have – Concentrate On Now

You make it happen by doing right now what it takes to bring it about. Your focus is on this step in the journey. When it is time to take the next step you do. Step by step you get where you are headed. Enjoy right now. Be present. Don’t miss it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Enjoy Now!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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