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“There’s a meme going around quoting George Orwell, ‘People will believe what the media tells them they believe.’ So consider this. It is also a lie the media lies. It is also true the media lies. It is true the media reposts accurately and it is a lie they don’t.

Each are possible. It lies and it doesn’t. People believe it lies when it doesn’t. People believe it is telling the truth when it isn’t. The point is the media does what it does. Whatever it does, it does independently of what we think it does. Do you understand this?

Using the term ‘the media’ is not a responsible way to classify all the different sources and means used. Media today is a collection of numerous outlets. When someone says ‘media’ does something do they mean every single last reporter, source and/or outlet does it?

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It’s impossible to think that all journalists are conspiring to push an agenda. Media outlet bosses may be more apt to attempt this. There are some journalists who may be questionable at times but you can’t say ‘all media’ anymore than you can say ‘no media’ does it. Get it?

You and I need to be responsible for vetting the info we consume. Ascertain whether the reports are accurate or not. We ought not blame the media. We ought to  become a wiser, smarter, more vigilant consumer of media. Vetting is wise. Complaining is not.

We need to learn how to be able to tell the difference between false reports and accurate reports. It’s good to be skeptical of reports but maintain an open mind while checking it. If you think ‘yes’ or ‘no’ take time to check it. Be responsible to tet the sources and reports.

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The Orwell quote says people will believe what the media tells them to believe as if media has power over the people. It has influence and that influence may be strong. You can witness its power in yourself and others. BUT it’s you and me who need to correct what they do.

We  can and should work to clean up what media does. Since that is the more difficult task to control what others do, take time to learn how to control yourself. Learn how to accuratelynassess incoming data. and the information swirling around you in the world.

Don’t be gullible. Take charge. Become a savvy consumer not an unconscious consumer. Make sure you take charge and not remain a victim of circumstances, the media, other people’s opinion but that you learn to think independently for yourself. You will greatly benefit if you do. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS For good mental and physical health read Life On Your Terms

PSS “This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across. I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue, Author, Entrepreneur (Frank Perdue Chicken)


Read my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want for many more powerful practices and ideas to live happily and successfully. It’s an especially important book during tough times. Read it in advance of difficult times to be prepared or during tough times to know what to do and what not to do to get better results!

Make good things happen. Get it today! Here’s the link:


Book and Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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