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“All is well. You may not think that. That is because your attention is on what is happening and not where it should and could be. Believing is seeing but you are doing the reverse. You think, seeing is believing. So you keep getting more of the same old crap. Stop it!

It is what it is.  It will be as it is. It will be as it is now. It will unfold as it does. All is good. When you finally get this, everything will transform! When everything is a blessing, as it IS, then there is no suffering. Believing all is good helps you to see the good in all. Get it?

Mindset matters! When you have a strong positive mindset, when your heart is filled with gratitude for all, when everything is a blessing, you become invincible. You vibe high, feel great and experience bliss. You let go of troubles and KNOW all is well!

Today – You Are Where Your Thoughts Brought You

All is well, no matter what is going on. All will be well, however it works out. Stop resisting and begin celebrating! This is the key to unlocking the door to your personal transformation! Since, we don’t know what we don’t know, we shouldn’t decide it is bad prematurely.

Yet, that is what people do. They affirm, ‘this sucks, it is terrible’ and that is what they get and then get more of. They keep themselves stuck. The only way to get out of it, to get unstuck, is to affirm the opposite, the good, and know it will all be fine in your heart. Get it?

You come to believe that by affirming it every day, each moment. It is a re-conditioning process. You must learn new thought and feeling habits. Your present limitations were conditioned and became habitual. You think as you learned to. Now, learn to think differently!

Tomorrow – You Will Be Where Your Thoughts Take You

You can and you will, if you do it. It’s like exercise, like lifting weights. At first you are weak but as you keep with it you grow stronger. The more we do the more we become capable of doing. Get it?  In the long run everything always works out for the best. Know this!

Speed bumps along the way are an equal part of the journey.  All is good no matter what! Stop complaining about the speed bumps and begin celebrating them. Hurdlers put hurdles in their path and enjoy the process. You can enjoy all of the journey, too. This is important!

When you are filled with gratitude. When you appreciate where you are, wherever you are in the journey, when you feel wonderful and re-inforce it with your thoughts, words, pictures and behaviors, you transform. You become new by the refreshing of your mind! Do it!

Choose Wisely – You Cannot Escape The Results Of Your Thoughts

When you consider everything a blessing NO MATTER WHAT, then you are free and all good things can come to you! You can make all manner of positive, good things happen for you and others. Life is incredible when you fill yourself with joy. Don’t wait for joy. Start by being joyful. Acting joyful creates joy! Waiting doesn’t. Learn to delight yourself and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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