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“Simply because something is not seen does not mean it does not exist. Just because it’s invisible now doesn’t mean you can’t have it. Where were you before you were born? Where was airplane flight prior to the Wright Brothers? Where was your computer, the chair you sit on, your desk or house before it came to be. Everything exists. We just may not be able to see it yet. Have you considered this?

The chair, your desk, the car you drive first came to be as an idea. Where did the idea originate? Someone had to imagine it for it to become visible, but the idea was not enough. The idea was followed by an intention. Someone had to want to bring the chair, the car, the desk and the computer into being. Someone had to want to fly an airplane. From the idea and intention came results.

Energy can’t be created or destroyed. Everything exists, albeit in another form. It is not yet matter. All matter is energy. Energy can only be transformed. We can’t increase or decrease energy. It can only be transformed or transmuted. It is eternally present and equally distributed. From what appears to be nothing, arises everything that arises at the right time. What seems to make the difference?

Enough for today. More tomorrow. Meanwhile, reflect on this. Begin to look at your surroundings and things as energy. Consider how someone brought something into being from imagination. First there came the idea. Then the desire to create it or make it happen. Notice how everything seems to come from nothing but since energy can’t be created or destroyed it exists invisible to us until it doesn’t. Think on this. Entertain possibilities. Become aware. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

We’re going to do this in a few parts. More next blog and others. Stay tuned. Prepare to transform.




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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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