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“Many people lose their life struggling to live. They fall into water and exhaust themselves fighting the current. Do  you know what you can do that will increase the likelihood you will survive?

If you fall into quicksand, lie back. Lie on your back and stop moving. The more you struggle the more you get sucked down. The same is true when swimming. People go under because they fight.

All you have to do is lie back and breath and you will float. You float when you relax Let go and let the water hold you up. You won’t float vertically in the water, you will sink unless you can tread.

Relax and lie back. You can float longer than you can tread. You float naturally when you lie back. It is one of the first things you learn when you learn to swim. Once on your back, gently navigate.

Your Attitude Determines You Altitude

Gently use your arms, hands and legs to move across the surface of the quicksand. Go with the current gently navigating toward the river bank. Float until spotted on a body of water.

Obviously, you can’t float forever but by floating you can save your life. You can extend the time you are alive in the water by floating on the water instead of fighting it.

The same is true in life. Sometimes, you have to surrender. Stop struggling. Stop trying. Stop doing anything. Relax. When you relax you will feel yourself held up. You’ll float. You can begin to trust.

A worried, anxious mind brings about more of the same. A fearful, doubtful mind becomes even more so. A relaxed, peaceful, accepting, loving mind attracts more of the same. Remember, what you want to create and attract first begins with your thoughts.

What You Resist Persists

Let go! Trust that all will be okay. I am not particularly religious, spiritual, yes, but religious no. Still, I like this concept. ‘God is never late’. Whatever IS is. All will work out if you have faith and trust. Everything tends to work out for the best in the long run.

We fear loss. We fear change. We fear many things. We struggle to keep things the same. Sometimes, a shake up is a good thing. Often, people look back on the worst time of their life and remark, that it was actually the best thing that could have ever happened.

We resist. Sometimes, we need to make room for newness. We need to get rid of the old shoes in the closet, taking up space, so we can have room for the new ones. Accurate or not, trust that everything will be fine no matter what. Create some space for yourself.

You have a cash deadline on a certain date and you don’t get the money until much later. Maybe, being late was perfect and getting it when you do IS the perfect time. I don’t know if that is true or not but I do know attitude is everything. Think, god is never late!

Turn Resistance Into Assistance

What you believes determines so much. If you declare it to be good it can be. You bring about what you think about. Remember, the phrase ‘when it rains it pours’.  If that IS true then one should always think only the very best thoughts, don’t you think?

For goodness sake, don’t waste time with less than glorious thoughts. Focus on love, gratitude, peace, and happiness. Create what you want to have more of. Think the thoughts that bring you these. Good judgement and good taste is important.

Let go and let god, is another key thought about trust. Keep in mind whatever happens can work out for the best. What IS is. The time is always right no matter what. Things will always work out for the best, though they may not seem like it in the present.

God is never late.  Let go, trust and let it all work out. Have faith. Maintain your positive thoughts. No matter what is happening seek, joy, love, peace and gratitude! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Have a fabulous day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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