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“There are times to pay attention to your gut and reasons not to. A successful and seasoned stock market investor has intuitions and feelings about when and when not to invest because of their years of experience. Even so they may make a mistake. They may not listen.

A successful and seasoned farmer knows the land, soil, weather conditions and about the crop they wish to plant. Because of the experience the farmer knows about planting and harvesting and what will grow or not. Still the farmer could be mistaken.

With that in mind they may be successful more often because they of their experience they know when to follow their hunches. Their intuition is shaped and honed by the years of doing, failing, getting feedback and correcting. Experience provides the basis for this.

Be Still – Listen To The Still Small Voice – Learn To Trust Yourself

Anyone can know what’s right but still act counter to it. Still, they may find they’re right far more than they’re wrong. They follow their hunches and it pays off. Both have intuitions they rely on in their professions. They aren’t novices. They’ve spent years listening.

If investing you want to listen to a reliable, honest, moral, ethical, successful, seasoned investor and decide based on what you learn. You might not want to listen to a farmer about investing if they don’t have investment experiences. You need to know your experts.

Don’t listen to an investor about planting, growing and harvesting. That isn’t their expertise. True some can get lucky. Sometimes you might get lucky but intuition isn’t based on luck. Sadly, that’s how some people use it. Trusting your own intuition isn’t about luck.

Be Still And You Can Listen Far Better – Pay Attention – Notice

Some people feel lucky and blow all their savings at a casino. That’s not intuition. That’s not being wise. That’s not actually listening to your gut. That’s being rash and stupid. If you have a lucky hunch start small to determine if you are correct. Learn what to trust.

Then build on your success. Train yourself to listen to your gut. Calibrate it to know when you’re rightly paying attention and when you’re not. Those who think they can fly without a plan are best advised to stand on the ground and fly up. Understand this!

They should not leap from a tall building. Get it? Dumb can kill. I’ll share more next time. Realize most of us have been taught not to use our intuition or pay attention to our gut feelings and inner wisdom in favor of reason. Reason is great but only gets us so far. We can learn to pay attention and be surprisingly correct and it takes attention and practice. Most people don’t but you can. In the meantime, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing soon. I will keep you posted when you can get it!


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“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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