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horizons moments-of-discovery-phil-koch

“Is something good going to happen for you? Do you feel it? Do you feel lucky? What is around the corner for you that you can’t see yet? Will it be fame or fortune? Will it be large or small? Will you be pleased or not so pleased? What do you expect to happen soon?

Well, what do you expect? Think on that a moment. What do you expect? What do you expect? It is known our expectations shape what we find. They literally put a frame around it. For example, if you expect to find smiles you are more apt to during the day.

If you expect to find frowns you are more apt to as well. If you expect to find money or be lucky you are more likely to than if you decide you won’t. What you think,see and say to yourself is what you get. Your declarations, your expectations matter.

What You See Is What You Get

What you believe will happen is more likely to happen. That is the job of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) to find the match in the outer world with what you believe and expect within. Your thoughts really do determine much of reality. Maybe all of it. Yes, all of it!

How many times have you had your worst fears confirmed? Sometimes, it wasn’t as bad as you expected but it still came about. Sometimes, what you hoped for wasn’t as good as you hoped but it still came about. Our thoughts shape our reality. They really do.

Set your mindset for the best. Develop an unshakeable positive mental attitude. Keep your mind on what you want and the good you want to have most of the time each day. Keep your mind off what you don’t want, off bad news and distractions. Limit negativity.

What You Say Is What You Get

Too often we think we are positive thinkers because we spend a couple minutes each day affirming some things. Most of the day is distracted, filled with petty annoyances, bad news from FB, TV, or media of some form. We listen to gossip or complain.

We aren’t nearly as positive as we think we are. When you are predominantly positive, when you think the finest thoughts and feel your best, when you are optimistic and enthused, you literally do radiate or vibrate at a higher frequency. People can tell. It’s true!

When you are delighted from within you are more apt to create, attract and manifest wonderful, delightful, serendipitous moments more often. You are attuned for it! It can be.  You make it happen. You shine bright, vibrate at high frequency and resonate with good!

Affirm It And Confirm It

It doesn’t matter whether you believe it comes from within you or the universe responds to your requests. You just need to be feeling wonderful and open to the possibility that you will get what you want. Open up to the possibility that magic is in store for you.

It most likely won’t happen unless you take action and begin the creative process. You initiate with your thinking and the rest reacts to you. You put it out and it comes back. Expect a miracle and you are more likely to find one. Live in enjoyment and delight all your days. Plant the seed reap the harvest. It works this way!

Celebrate and appreciate what you already have and you are bound to get more and get better. Celebrate the love and friendship in your life. Celebrate your health and vitality. Celebrate your career success. Celebrate your wealthy finances and abundance in all areas. Live like happy royalty within! Imagine It! Declare it! Affirm it!

See it, say it! Assert and affirm it. Then confirm it! Focus on it. Attend to it. Energy flows where your attention goes. Become it! You don’t get what you want you get what you are! If you are happy you get more in return! If you are rich you get more back! Live with gusto! Live, love, laugh, learn, prosper and celebrate. Enjoy all good things!” Rex Sikes

Plan your day the way you want it to be!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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