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“What is the secret? Is there a secret key to making what you want to happen? What should you do to make your dreams come true? Can you speed up the process to get your heart’s desires? Yes! The secret is: Have fun! Delight! Celebrate and enjoy. Feel good! Feel blissful. Smile, laugh, appreciate. Be light and be lite! You will get your goal faster when you feel really, really, really good most of the time.

Children learn faster and learn more when having fun, playing games, using their body to explore, skipping, dancing, singing, wiggling and laughing. When you’re feeling good everything is working for you. It does not happen quicker by screwing up your face and overthinking. Sweat, hard work and effort won’t make it occur any quicker. Sometimes less is truly more. Extra effort doesn’t always help.

Thinking about it and then thinking about not having it only makes it take longer. You make it happen quicker when you’re feeling blessed most of the time! The process is simple. You conceive it, believe it and achieve it. You decide what you want. See it as already accomplished. Keep your attention on what you want and how good you feel. Feel the wonderful feelings of having accomplished it.


Feel grateful. Feel blessed. Feel Appreciation. Feel Delighted. Feel joyful. Feel excited. Feel eager. Feel wonderful. Why?  Because energy flows where your attention goes. Keep focused on feeling good. Vibe high. Keep feeling blessed. Keep enjoying life! Maintain your attention on feeling ecstatic. Love your life. Love the process. Love yourself. Love others. Love everything that is or isn’t going on.

Keep your attention riveted on goodness come what may. No matter what the current circumstances are, maintain the attitude and feelings that you are blessed, blissful and filled with gratitude! Do those things that keep you feeling wonderful, thinking wonderful and vibing high. Have fun making it happen. Live life fully! Live fully at this moment. Be thankful and happy and positive.

Feeling wonderful will make everything seem like magic. It will get you through tough times faster and easier. You’ll manifest so much goodness. Why? Because of your energy. Remember, you attract who you are. It’s BE. DO. HAVE. Activate and elevate your attitude. Energy flows where your attention goes. Your attitude is your power. Make sure it is optimistic and positive. Be magical and you’ll create more magic. Be delighted and you’ll attract more delight. Get this. It’s why you celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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