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think positive


“Positive things happen when you think positive because you take charge of your thinking.

You put yourself in the driver seat and you steer yourself in positive productive directions hence you get to where you want to get to because you know where you are going and you are responsible for getting there.

Because you take control of your thoughts you make good things happen. You become a powerful positive force. Good things happen when you control your thinking in this fashion.

You have a choice to either think positive “I can do it!” thoughts or you could think negative “I can’t do it thoughts” because this is the only real choice their is. Either positive or not positive.

Which every you decide to think about determines the quality of your life. Either way you get in your life what you think about consciously or not consciously. Whatever your predominant thoughts and attitude is is what you experience.

Whatever you focus on expands. What you think about most of the time each day is what you get. Whatever seed you plant is what will grow. Whatever you water and nourish will grow. You get the results you go after so think positive thoughts and get positive results.

Take charge of your own thinking and start getting the good things you want in your life. You can BE and you can DO and you can HAVE anything you want in life when you realize that you are the one who creates it. No one else. While it is true you must work co-operatively with others and get along to get enjoy getting along and to succeed in life all things begin with your thoughts. Positive or Negative. It is completely up to you. It is up to OUR thinking.

What will you decide to think about today?

If you aren’t managing your thoughts, if you aren’t controlling your thoughts and directing your thoughts toward the results you want then your thoughts are running wild and they are managing, controlling and directing you.

Whatever you currently have in your life is a result of your previous thinking. What you enjoy tomorrow will depend on what you begin doing today!

Find the very best things to think about. Look around find the beauty, the joy, the abundance. Look for simple things, small things to appreciate. Find big things too! Determine to thing “I can Be what I want to be”  “I can DO anything I determine to learn to do” “I can HAVE anything I want as I apply myself and work towards it”

If you don’t do these things, they are not likely to happen. Thought precedes creation, thought precedes action. There is a quote by Van Gough “I dream the painting then I paint my dream”.  It all begins inside us. What we get on the outside originates within.

Ralph Waldo Emerson stated “DO the thing and you will have the power.”

So please remember for yourself -Good things happen when you control your thinking in this fashion.” Rex Sikes


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