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“I hope from my blogs you are gaining some valuable insights into what you can do to make yourself and your life into something even more wonderful and amazing. It would be a shame if you didn’t transform yourself by using these principles and practices.

Life is much too short to waste time. How much time have you spent not doing what you wanted to do? How much money have you spent or lost not pursuing your dreams? How much have you missed out on by procrastinating? Don’t you think it’s time to change this?

Perhaps, your life is fine. Awesome. You can always tweak it and make it a bit better. You can also help others transform their lives. Whatever is going on for you take these insights and what I am sharing with you as opportunities and implement them.

Happiness can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Begin today. You don’t have to know fully how. You just begin with what you’ve already been given. As you put these ideas into practice on a daily basis more things will become evident to you. You will learn and have by doing not by reading. Knowledge is not power.

Only knowledge applied is power. It’s the actions you take that will transform you. It’s not the knowledge you have. It is what you do with the knowledge that makes the difference. Some people know what there should do but never do it. Knowing can be meaningless.

The proper fruit of knowledge is action. Quite often the big difference between astonishing success and failure is only a small percentage point. The difference between a gold and silver medalist is sometimes hundredths, thousandths of a second.

More wealth can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

It is not necessary to have much more than anyone else to succeed. What is necessary is to do with what you have. Some people have broken out of prison or prison camps using a stick or a spoon. They had to dig relentlessly forever to make tiny bits of progress.

AND not give up! Some have it tough but persist while others have it easy and do nothing or quit as soon as the going gets tough. The question for you reading this is what will you do?  There is a reason for the saying ‘Actions speak louder than words’.

Do something positive for yourself today! Then keep doing it daily and you will make more headway than you could ever imagine. Invest in yourself. Invest your time, energy and money. The only way you’ll ever get a return on your investment is to invest first!

Success can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

It’s absolutely certain if you do nothing, if you change nothing in your life, your life will not change. In order for you to get what you want you must become the kind of person who gets what they want. Evolve. Become. Do it. Take right action. Take positive action. Act.

The price may seem steep and yet it is not so much. It’s whatever you determine it to be. It’s an incredibly small price to pay for incredible payback! I repeat myself purposefully to make points. Only you can make your life what you’d like it to be.

No one else can do that for you. Only you! ONLY YOU. If you won’t then it won’t be the life you’d like to have. Get this? But the opposite could be true. ONLY YOU can decide to take charge of yourself. ONLY YOU can act to make your dreams come true. Will you? ONLY YOU. The opportunity IS ALWAYS HERE, NOW. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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International Marketing Guru Joe Soto

©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

Meme @2021 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

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