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“We are miraculous! Most people forget, ignore or don’t realize how truly incredible we are. Most of our lives we live without noticing all the things our bodies do outside of our awareness. We are amazing feedback, feedforward systems. Our trillions and trillions of cells work in harmony, unison, simultaneously and sequentially to keep us alive and able to do what we do and pursue our dreams.

It’s beyond anything we can even begin to comprehend and appreciate. We are miracles manifesting more miracles. Tiny fragments of it can we be consciously aware of some of the time. Most of it goes unnoticed. We don’t think about or remember to monitor our temperature, our positioning in space, our ability to move, to digest food, beat our heart, breathe, blink, swallow, any of it. We just do it all.

On top of it everything in and around us is feedback. You step from the bed to the floor, and we get feedback from the floor. We other than consciously notice the surface, the tension, the firmness, the moisture so many things. It’s incalculable. We get feedback from the air, the sun, the environments we move in and out of, the people and everything around us. We use most of it without awareness.


What we can attend to and that which has a high enough signal to enter our consciousness we adjust to or for. If we notice it getting hot or cold, we change clothing. Wet or dry we change or go inside or outside. When we notice thirst, we seek a drink. We are so beautifully equipped to navigate life in the world. Everything interacts at some level whether we can tell or not. We adjust. It’s what we do!

WOW. The universe around us and in us interact because it’s all part of one system. We think it’s separate but it’s all one thing. We are universe. Not the universe. We are as much ‘the’ universe as the universe in, within and without. Above and below. The part has the characteristics and qualities of the whole. A drop of water from the ocean is still ocean water wherever you take it or put it.

We can adjust to events, circumstances, people and changes. That is what we do. We’ve the ability to think about some of the things we can notice and judge, notice and decide what to do about it. Other adjustments operate outside of our awareness, not requiring conscious attention, to keep us surviving. We correct. We modify it. We adjust. We heal. We live. We evolve. Energy transforms. It’s moving!


Everything is feedback for our good, so we survive and thrive. There are things going on outside of our bodies ability to notice. We can’t see ultraviolet or infrared without having developed the mechanical ability to do so. There are sounds we can’t hear. Vibrations we don’t detect as birds or animals can. However, we have developed technological extensions of our senses because we can.

We can think things into existence. We create them. That’s what consciousness does. It creates. ‘Let there be light.’ ‘Let there be a bridge, a building, a computer, a spacecraft.’ It’s what we do. What we can do, we seek and find ways to do it. We are creators. We are innovators. We are problem solvers using feedback. Problems are what we solve. We make things better. We do. We ARE creators!!

We can also make things worse. Our ability to notice and use feedback is what keeps us evolving. When we forget we’re able to do so many positive things and entertain negativity we end up creating more of that. How we direct our individual minds and our group mind matters. It can take us down quickly or up quickly. It can further create harmony or discord and division. Both wings are necessary.


When things are going poorly, or the shit hits the fan that is the time to take the feedback. It’s not the time to dive deeper into it if we’d like to get out of it. What we focus on expands. What we think about we bring about. WE are so amazing, incredible, capable and creative we can create a more wonderful world. We already have. Yes, some of what we brought about brought consequences.

It always will. If they’re unwanted then we must again be innovative. We must seek the highest good. A pebble tossed into water creates ripples. We are always creating ripples. We can’t not. So, we need to look at what we are creating to do the least harm and the greatest good. That’s why I say in the meme there are two commandments to live by. Do no harm and seek to do good. Notice and adjust.

We are a marvelous consciousness in a marvelous universe we spend so much time complaining about instead of thinking improvements and what’s most desirable for all. We are one system of many parts or facets, and we hopefully will realize it. If we want things to be better, we must stop competing and start cooperating. Work collaboratively toward positive solutions that do the least harm. Get it!


Work compassionately for the good of all. Raise our consciousness. Uplift and edify. What we think about we bring about. Bring about the good we want and not the bad we fear. By working together and adjusting we can do this. Do it in your own life and for all lives. We are independent and interdependent. No human is an island. It’s all about feedback in a variety of forms. It’s who we are.

We are consciousness in a container. The greater your awareness and the more flexible and resilient you are the better able you are to take positive advantage of the infinite possibilities, opportunities and resources that exist within and without us. If it is to be, it is up to me. Spend time meditating. Spend time in positive reflection. Seek the highest good. Spend time in gratitude. Spend time loving and helping. More next time. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms.It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” –  Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist

“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate


©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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