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“Is success a struggle? Do you work hard but feel like you are spinning your wheels? Napoleon Hill wrote ‘Think And Grow Rich’ because he discovered modeling and studying 520 of the world’s wealthiest successful people that it was 99% mental and 1% effort.

With the correct mindset action becomes inspired. With the right attitude and beliefs supporting you, you are able to more effectively plan and work your plan, smartly. Work becomes pleasure. You don’t feel like you are working. You love what you do. Still, you work at it!

He pointed out that first you must know your purpose clearly. It should become a passionate burning desire, and you must absolutely believe you can and will make it happen with certainty. Then you must never give up. Learn from obstacles and persist by will power.

Will Power Is A Muscle – The More You Use It The Stronger It Gets

I want to shift our focus today to will power. There are many things Hill added into the mix that are important. Will power is one many people miss today, or so it seems. I also want to provide you with a way of doing things that helps move your forward with your goals.

When I use the term will power I mean that by an act of will you continue on toward your goal or ultimate purpose. It is you doing it from inner strength and fortitude. When I say control your thoughts and persist through will power I mean keep at it. As I think Hill did.

When negative thoughts arise you can acknowledge the thought, even thank it.  Appreciation goes a long way. Then shift your attention to the opposite, the positive thought, think on what you want instead. Re-focus you attention of what you want to include.

Stop Saying I Wish And I Want And I Hope – Start Saying I Will

Drop what you want to exclude. Don’t fight the negative thoughts. Accept, thank and let go. What you resist persists. Don’t wage battle, instead re-direct your attention. Energy flows where your attention goes. Yes, you may have to re-direct any number of times at first.

Eventually, you train you brain, your subconscious, how to work the way you want it to. It is a conditioning process. It is a training process. Be dedicated. Be committed. Be rigorous. Be persistent. BUT you don’t have to fight yourself. It is better if you don’t.

Be gentle. Be accepting. Be forgiving. Be in favor of you. Be encouraging. Be kind. Be friendly. Pat yourself on the back for whatever you do. Even when you don’t do it as you want. You did it however you did it at the time. There is no blame in that. Accept it.

What You Focus On Expands – You Get What You Focus On

Frustration, anger, blame and self-loathing don’t get you where you want to be faster. In fact those tend to prevent you from changing swiftly and easily. So use will power to carry you through and to stick with it but don’t be hard on yourself. Be committed and gentle.

Strength can be many things besides force. Let go. Learn flexibility. Bend don’t break. Shift your attention away from negative thinking toward positive thinking by focusing on what you want, what you like, what you enjoy, what you are grateful for. Place attention there.

Withdraw your attention from what you don’t like, what feels bad, what you don’t want, what is upsetting, what you want to eliminate or exclude and turn it toward what feels better. Place it on what feels the best. The goal: feel as best you can for as much of your time.

When You Stop Struggling – You Float 

If you have to do it 10 times or 100 times a day so what? In the process you are moving from the less than glorious to the glorious. You are shifting your awareness, your attention, your focus, you energy, your vibrations to something positive and good feelings.

You are training yourself to pay attention and enjoy good thoughts and feelings. Eventually, this will become your default setting. You’ll wire in new neural pathways. The negative processes will re-write into positive ones. You’ll develop new success habits of thought.

From a mindset that is predominantly positive you can then accomplish your purpose. Your mindset and attitude, your thoughts and feelings, your beliefs support you. Your act because it feels right. Your actions become inspired and enjoyable instead of dreaded.

Focus: Start Being Positive About What Is Right

Because your thoughts, feelings and actions align you develop positive habits and begin getting more positive results. You have moved from the less than glorious results into new and glorious ones. You trained yourself into having patterns that support you.

So be gentle. Don’t fight it. Go with the flow. When the water is raging go with the flow. People drown more quickly fighting the current. It exhausts them. Going with the current. You can seek to swim toward shore eventually. Keep going in the right direction.

Get it. Let the current carry you too. Use the momentum you create to keep moving forward easily. Stop resisting, keep persisting. All the while enjoy. Delight, be grateful. Discover what you can presently appreciate. Fill yourself with gratitude and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Delight yourself and others today.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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