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“Stop, smell the roses. Keep it simple. Make it short and sweet. Have fun. Delight more. Smile and laugh lots. Live fully. Manage your thoughts. Lead from the heart. Center yourself. Breath and let go. Spend quality time with family and friends. Provide value.

Go the extra mile. Inspire and motivate others. Helping them helps you too. Fill your mind with positive, ‘can do’ thinking. Sing. Skip. Dance. Do yoga or exercise. Get in touch with spirit. Meditate. Go to a peaceful place inside. Live from your higher self. Feel grateful!

Life is too short to make it complex. Too many people spend too much time making it too complicated and too difficult. Simply stop. Drop the drama. Let go and let god. Trust. Have faith. believe in yourself. Make a difference now for yourself and others.

Keep it simple. Take it easy. Attitude IS everything. Look within. Look forward. Let go of the past. Learn from mistakes. Use what you know and benefit from what you learn. Experience can bring wisdom. Talk a walk. Take a bath. Take a nap. Get more sleep. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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