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“Napoleon Hill emphasized that to be a good leader of others you must first learn to lead yourself. You should seek to be a person of integrity, honesty and care for others. To do this you must learn to control one’s thoughts and feelings. You must manage these to manage one’s words and actions to get the intended results. You must develop an optimistic positive attitude, a strong mind to persist when things are tough and a pleasing personality.

He said you must seek, do the legwork to get accurate information so you can decide quickly when well informed but change that decision slowly. He encourages you to get clear on your definite chief aim in life and to develop what appears to be a wish into a white-hot passion and the certainty you all follow through and make it happen by cooperating and collaborating with others in harmony. To do this you must train your subconscious.

People under-appreciate their abilities and the ability of the subconscious. Not only does it govern all the processes that keep you alive, beating your heart, blinking, swallowing, breathing, digesting your food, eliminating waste, circulating your blood, day in day out, while you sleep and while awake, simultaneously but it’s the power, the engine fueling your ability to attract and create your goals and dreams and bring them to being.


Your subconscious mind acts to manifest your intentions. It’s why Claude Bristol said, ‘…you must wait patiently while the subconscious assimilates the elements of your problem and then goes about its own way to work it out for you. You must have patience and absolute faith…’ Wait patiently, as it assimilates the elements and goes about the way to work it out. That is outside of your conscious ability to know, understand and appreciate.

That is WHY faith is necessary. SO, you do not interfere with its workings. Let it do its thing! It serves you. Give it good instructions and it will give you good results. Most people are poor at providing good instructions. Like a poor horseback rider, they confuse the horse because they don’t know what they are doing. The horse knows what to do and how to do it and can absolutely do it when the rider instructs it what to do. Get it?

If you aren’t clear and capable how can you expect the horse, or your subconscious to carry out your orders. Most people provide contradictory instruction. The want, wish, doubt and fear. Are impatient. Change their minds, Give up. Start again. Complain and blame. They dig up the seeds to see if they are sprouting beneath the surface. It’s why Bristol says, your subconscious can and will do it. Wait patiently. Have absolute faith.


Faith is developed. You just develop the certainty that you, your subconscious, can and will do it. You will make it happen even if YOU consciously don’t yet know how. Properly instruct your subconscious clearly, definitely and strongly with powerful positive emotions and it will do all the heavy lifting for you. You must, however, speak its language in the same way you must know who to ride the horse for it to do as you desire and intend. Get it?

Bristol also says, ‘while it is necessary for you to feel and think yourself successful, it is important to go one step further and actually see yourself as already successful, either in the performance of some selected task or as actually occupying the position to which you aspire.’ Others before him call this idealizing your goal. You must not just see the result but see what you’d be doing, seeing, hearing and feeling. Make it vivid.

Idealize the outcome, don’t just have an idea. What are the steps? What do you feel when you walk across the floor? Feel it. When someone says something nice to you, hear what they say and how they say it. Feel that pat on the back or someone squeezing your hand. If you took a tour of a house, what would the real experience be like. Make your imaginary tour the same. Use all the senses. See each room and what it feels like. Get it.


At first this may seem difficult for some. Here is some good news according to Bristol. ‘It may be faint, sketchy, or even unfinished, but even if only an outline, it will be enough for the subconscious to act upon.’ That is how most dreams take shape. Many begin as a vague idea, a dream or a wish as Napoleon Hill suggests when he shares Edwin C. Barnes’ journey to partner with Edison. What began as a wish or idea became a white-hot obsession.

Practice. Repetition makes you better at it. You get better at practicing swimming or piano. You’ll get better practicing visualizing, feeling and idealizing your intentions. Be purposeful and deliberate. Learn to be a good rider. Learn to give precise instructions to your subconscious so it can do the work for you it is meant to do. DO NOT interfere unhelpfully by trying to speed it up or check on it. Be patient. Have faith. Develop it.

Practice it. Become certain. Be certain. Learn the process and the process will serve you. Develop the habits and the habits will serve you. Get this and you get so very much. Know this about the instructions you provide the subconscious with great feeling. Bristol puts it this way regarding ‘The commands and formations constantly repeated in close-order drill develop in men instant obedience, which ultimately becomes instinctive.

It is very important to remember that the subconscious will go into action at once under the impetus of the commands or suggestions it receives from the conscious mind… but it gets results quicker if the conscious mind accompanies its message with a mental picture of the desired goal.’  Understand the process. Use the process. Enjoy it and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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