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“There are many forms of pain and discomfort; Mental or psychic; Emotional; Physical and Spiritual . Through the ages people have questioned whether or not there is an advantage to pain. What is the purpose? We are told it is a way to stop and care for ourselves.

Still, we don’t want it. We do anything to avoid it or escape from it. I can’t tell you what to do about your pain or what it means to you or for you. It is highly individual. I am not qualified to provide medical advice. I can share what I have discovered for myself.

This may be meaningful for you. I don’t like pain anymore than the next person. I’ve learned more on how to welcome it and embrace it. I have learned how to utilize it and go through it. What I discovered, and continue to, is that pain is a signal and a great teacher.

If Everything Were Perfect You Would Never Learn Anything

Pain lets us know there is something amiss in our body, mind, heart and spirit. It signals us so we can address whatever is not right. We get that, most of us do, anyway, when it comes to physical pain. Most of us miss it when it is mental, emotional or spiritual pain.

These forms of pain show up in many ways; regret, anguish, negative thinking, laziness or procrastination, apathy, melancholy, depression, anxiety, anger, loneliness and more. These seem harder to identify as signals but they are signals, none the less.

People, myself included, give in or wallow in these forms of pain. We want out. We want to escape but we accept and live with it. Instead of recognizing these signals that a change is needed or that there is a lesson for us, we succumb to the pain as if there’ s no alternative.

If You Are Not Learning And Changing You Are Not Growing

There is an alternative. Stop. Breathe. Shift your thinking. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. It isn’t always easy but it gets easier the more you do it. You train yourself to move away from what you don’t want and towards what you do want. It IS training!

You train yourself to act instead of giving in. It is a conditioning. You  replace an old habit with a new productive supportive one. You learn to recognize the less than glorious signals, for what they are and, then stop, breathe and shift your thinking to what it is you want.

When your thinking shifts your feelings can follow. Another way you can alter your feelings and thinking is through physical activity. Change your breathing, work in a garden, take a walk, sing, dance, meditate. Do something that changes your state for the better.

Learn To Listen In Silence To Your Inner Wisdom And Voice

Many people use drugs and alcohol to escape. You don’t need to do that. You can change your physiology, your activity level and shift your thinking and emotions without drugs. You can positively influence yourself to grow and evolve and transform wonderfully.

Another method is to embrace the pain. Stay with it and go through it. Ask what lessons and beliefs are hidden within? What is it trying to get you to learn? Some of use get the same events, circumstances, people, and pains in our life over and over. There is a message here.

What do you need to learn so you can become free of these repetitive patterns? Explore and discover. You can shift and manage the pain while asking the same questions and learn from it. Be still! Listen to your inner voice. You may have been loud for too long.

Be Still And Know – In Every Obstacle Is The Seed Of Opportunity

You have to become still because you haven’t listened to yourself. You’ll need to re-learn how to. When you accept and celebrate and are grateful for the lessons and the pain you may find yourself becoming free of them. As you learn, you let go of the old.

Gratitude and appreciation are so powerfully transformative! They open the doorways to vast treasures within yourself and without. Express your thankfulness for everything good and not so good. Feel blessed by everything that comes your way. Then you ARE free!

Accept. Let go. Be thankful. Stop. Breathe and shift. Move, dance, sing, Allow. Embrace. Explore. Reflect. Discover. Feel blessed. Express it. Journal it. State it. Declare it. Affirm It. Visualize it. Dream it, Imagine it. Celebrate it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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