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“You’re a creator and an attractor, but you don’t live alone in isolation. The way you get money is from other people. They pay you for work, products or services. Perhaps, you’re invested in other’s businesses, properties, commodities, etc. Money comes from others.

You’ll succeed faster when you realize it’s not about you. It’s about THEM. Those whom you serve and those who serve you. This point is critical. Get what you want by becoming the best person you can be and add value to others! Add value they can’t get elsewhere.

Solve their problems. Help to enrich them and you’ll do well. Go the extra mile. Provide a level of service and care unmatched by others and you’ll tower over others. Your reputation for integrity, honesty, loyalty and impeccable service will precede you. You want this!

Learn To Create Rapport And Positive Relationships With Ease

To provide exceptional service, care and value up-level yourself. Develop a pleasing personality. Be friendly, open and available. Don’t whine, complain, criticize or gossip. People tend to do business with likable people. So develop a likable, friendly, available personality.

Uplift and edify your customers, clients and associates. Success is due to YOUR personal evolution. Aim for the highest. Apply the Golden Rule. Seek only to think thoughts and speak words and do actions that bless, heal and prosper everyone, including yourself.

You’re a creator so create good things. Be filled with love, peace, kindness, generosity, enthusiasm, well-being, fun, respect, delight, appreciation, cooperation, honesty, integrity, authenticity and you’ll become a magnet and attract all these good things to you. Get it?

Learn To Go First And You’ll Attract The Right People To You

You’ll attract the very best people to you. You’ll attract the help you need. You’ll attract cooperation and successful referrals. Don’t try to crush the ‘competition.’ Don’t covet or envy. Celebrate other’s success. Out perform them and add more value than they do. Get it?

When you align your thoughts in this way you’ll accomplish so much. You’ll prove yourself powerful BUT pleasant. YOU WIN MORE BEARS WITH HONEY THAN WITH VINEGAR. You’ll attract the right people to help you in your endeavors and help you prosper.

You’ll make your present so much more wonderful and create a future truly worth living. When you first seek to prosper others, you can’t help but succeed because your heart is in the right place. Others subliminally have a gut feeling about you. You know this.

Learn To Make It About Them And They’ll Be Lifelong Supporters

When others feel they’re truly important to you, and you’ll go the extra mile for them, they’ll do likewise for you. It’s about intent and authenticity. People like to reciprocate to others who treat them well. Treat them better than others do and they’ll flock to you.

Be genuine. Be sincere and you’ll do better than you may be able to imagine right now. Become the change you need to become in order to create the positive life you want and to make what you want happen. Evolve yourself. Remember, it’s BE, then Do, then HAVE.

You’re a creator so create an incredible experience for yourself and others. You’re a magnet and a light. Remember this, and help bring joy to everyone else first and you’ll bring joy to yourself in return. I’m happy to help coach you and guide you if you are interested in how you can easily create an incredible impact on others around you. Let me you’d like some help. Meanwhile, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS Learn to program and direct your mind: Read Life On Your Terms


“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

©2019 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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