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be patient things will chan ge for the better

“It is said, that ‘Patience is not the ability to wait, but the the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting’. (Joyce Meyer). How true that is.

When we begin to create a new life and future for ourselves by keeping focused on positive thoughts and feelings things inside us begin to change. They do! But they may not change fast enough or we may not see indications of these changes right away. We set a goal and work towards it but the outcome is not readily apparent.

This is understandable. When you plant a seed it takes time to grow. It grows in the invisible darkness underground for quite some time before it breaks through the ground and reaches toward the sun. Farmers know that there is a time for planting and a time for harvesting. You don’t plant Monday and harvest Tuesday. Seeds sown take time to grow.

So it is with all good things. We focus our attention consciously on what we want, we maintain it positively and infuse it with positive wonderful feelings and we wait.

It may seem like nothing is happening out there in the real world. Our inner world is transforming but we don’t see the results yet.

Well, they will come in time as long as you remain true. As long as you remain committed and continue to focus your life will change and you will eventually see the positive results come to be. SO maintain a positive attitude.

It takes time for the artist to conceive of the painting and complete it. However long that process is (or isn’t) it still takes some time. Nothing is instant. A building is still made brick by brick. Can you imagine how long it must have seemed to lay the track and create the East West railroad in the U.S.? Can you imagine the hardships endured to make that railroad a reality? It certainly wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen over night.

‘For everything there is a season’. It takes time so hang in there.

We become what we think about most of the time. We are today where our thoughts have brought us. We will be tomorrow where our thoughts take us. If you can see it in your head you can hold it in your hand.

And it takes time.

That is why the quote I cited in the very beginning is so relevant.  Patience is not the ability to wait, but the the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting’.

We always have to wait but how we wait matters.

We need to keep the faith and believe it will happen and not lose site of what we are positively creating. We must keep going even when it does not appear that anything is happening or changing. We stay focused on the positive images and feelings. We know there will come a time when we will harvest the seeds we planted. These seeds are currently growing.

‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’ Faith is knowing that the invisible processes are taking place. Faith is knowing they are taking place even when we can see them. Faith is knowing that somehow it will all work out okay even when there is no reason to actually think that it will. In other words we can’t see what we can’t see yet.

We live by faith that the processes we initiated will continue to grow and come to fruition. We live by faith that we will accomplish our goals no matter what. We will go after and get what we want even if it appears that nothing is changing. We will stick with it no matter how many obstacles or challenges rise up in front of us to prevent us from reaching.

We need to believe and know that we will.

That is attitude! That is a positive determined attitude!! ‘If you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it’.

You can’t let circumstances get you down. Even if everything is presently crumbling around you stay focused on what you want to make happen for yourself. Do not give in to the temptation to give up or feel bad. Stay strong, stay positive and feel your best. You will come through it but you must know that you will.

You can’t look back, you can’t look at the difficulty you must look ahead to what will be. You must stay focused on the future you want to create for yourself.

This is why we train our minds to remain positive so that no matter what occurs we live with the very best positive attitude. Attitude is everything.

It doesn’t matter what you don’t have you stay focused on what you want. Let’s say you want a brand new car, just as an example. Give yourself permission to want it and to have it. Accept that it is going to be yours because you deserve it. Imagine yourself driving it, see it, notice how good it feels to be in the driver’s seat your hands on the wheel. Smell it, hear what you are saying to yourself and thinking as your drive around in it. See it in your driveway. Imagine living with it. Doesn’t it look and feel great?

NOW it doesn’t matter if you don’t have money or a job, and have mounds of debt. None of that matters. NONE of it!!!

YOU focus on WHAT –  YOU –  WANT.

You keep the images alive and the feelings great because even if things currently suck (to use a scientific term) you still are entitled to get your dream car. I hope this makes sense. Many people will think ‘wow things suck so I will never be able to get my dream car’. That is not the attitude to have.

You have to keep the faith. You have to stay focused and not waiver. Believe that no matter what some day you will have the car you want. Feel great about having the car! Enjoy and savor these feelings. Keep it alive and stay passionate about it.

What you are doing is waiting well.

You have set your mind on course, in a direction, and you are traveling in that direction no matter which way the wind blows. When you keep the focus and the energy on what you want you are literally telling yourself ‘figure out how to make this happen’.

That servo-mechanism I mentioned in previous posts takes over and works at getting it. Your brain works on making a plan finding the opportunities to earn the car. Most probably it isn’t going to be magically given to you but by staying focused on your goal and not giving in to negative feelings or thoughts you optimize your chances to figure out how to get it in the future.

It takes time. However long it takes is what it takes. So…

If you have to wait, and you will, you might as well wait well.

I repeat: You have to keep the faith. You have to stay focused and not waiver. Believe that no matter what some day you will have the car you want.You can’t look back, you can’t look at the difficulty you must look ahead to what will be. You must stay focused on the future you want to create for yourself. Feel great about having the car! Enjoy and savor these feelings.

I used the example of a car to try to provide you with something you could easily imagine – a possession. It could be anything you want for yourself.

We become what we think about most of the time. We are today where our thoughts have brought us. We will be tomorrow where our thoughts take us. If you can see it in your head you can hold it in your hand. And it takes time.

Be patient! You will make it happen!” Rex Sikes

Make your day and all your thought outstanding!

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