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life is about creating yourself

“You have the opportunity to make your life what you want it to be. You can become anything you want to become. It is all up to you and no one else. It is up to you to create the ‘you’ you want to be. You may not have realized it but it is your decision, it IS within your control and it is your responsibility.

Some people live as if they have no choice, no power and as if life is whatever comes along. They live haphazardly. They accept whatever life offers but they don’t like it. They wish it were otherwise.

If you want it to be different the fact of the matter is you can make it different. It is completely up to you.

Take charge, make the decision to be the person you have always wanted to be.

Take control of your thoughts because when you do you will take control of your feelings too. Take charge of your feelings and you will take charge of your thoughts. It works both ways. When you align your thoughts and feelings your actions come into harmony with your purpose and your desire.

I am in charge and I am choosing

When your thoughts, feelings and actions are in harmony with your purpose you begin to powerfully create. You become like a targeted laser beam. Then you live with power, with confidence, with purpose and you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. You go after your goals with full commitment. Nothing stops you. You keep going until you accomplish what you set out to do.

When you are congruent in mind and body, when your thoughts and feelings are aligned, your energy is directed and not wasted.

You can clearly imagine the ‘you’ you have always wanted to be. You can see the life you want to enjoy in your mind. When who you are, or who you want to become and what you want in life are crystal clear and concise in your mind then you are able accomplish it. Then all your energy is freed up and focused on what you want.

When you are focus in this manner all your energies are concentrated on bringing it into being. You are not divided. You are whole. YOu are congruent. You are complete.

Your focus is established. You are determined.  You believe in what you want to accomplish and your abilities to accomplish it. You have complete faith that sometime soon this will be!

With this mind set you are able to persevere. You are better equipped to deal with challenges and never give up. You recognize difficulties as opportunities to get feedback. You learn from tough times and mistakes because your entire being is in ‘go’ mode and you are moving forward to making your dream come true.

forget why it wont believe why it will

Most people live tossed about in many directions. They are happy one moment and worried the next. They are determined one day and fearful and exhausted a few days later. They do not understand that if they want to make something happen they need to manage their thoughts and their emotions. If they want to make something happen then they need to make it happen. It will come about by the power of your will.

It may take some time to bring your thoughts, feelings and actions  under your direction but it is absolutely worth it. If you aren’t running the show the question is who is?

I liken the mind to breaking a wild horse.

The horse is beautiful and powerful and runs wild doing whatever it wants. To break a horse is to train it and give it purpose. The purpose you have for it. (Whether in life this is a good thing to do to an animal is not part of this discussion. My point is about the practice of training the horse). You teach it and you correct it. You repeat it and in time the animal learns what you want it to do. You carry this process out until the horse is dependable. It takes some time and some effort but when the training is complete you reap the rewards.

mind powerful

It is true for us too when we bring our thoughts and feelings under control. We spend time in training to be able to do what we want to do. We get the training to be able to carry out the goals and purpose of the training.

We train ourselves to go after what we want. We train ourselves to carry out the actions necessary to get the results we want.YES, it takes some effort at first but when once trained all that energy is the aimed at accomplishing our goal.

Train your mind, harness your spirit and make your life what you want. Create yourself!”

Rex Sikes

Have a delightful day and enjoy new ideas and opportunities.

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