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“Everyone does not go through this equally. Illness is the great leveler. This is different for those in ivory towers and for those in crowded tenements. There are those who are isolated in mansions with all the comforts one can imagine.

Others suffer in an apartment, a shack or on the street. Some have things delivered to them while others struggle to make ends meet. Some forage in dumpsters to stay alive. Do you think this ought to be? Could we improve things for everyone even a little bit maybe?

We could if we care. There are those who could care less about others. They care only for themselves. There are others who want to help anyone and everyone. They understand we’re all in it together, at all times. No one is an island. Though some live like one.

A Rising Tide Floats The Boat And Everyone In It –  Be Positive

Perhaps, it takes a great illness for us to realize we need to make some positive changes. Through it more of us might develop a more compassionate understanding of what others are going through. More of us might actually bother to help. Perhaps. We can hope.

We’re one people. We’re one massive family on the planet! We’re all interconnected. We need to care for all of our family. The imbalances we’ve allowed to exist need to be re-thought. Addressed. Re-worked. We need some vital changes. This virus is the alert.

It’s an alarm. We need to wake up. Become aware. We need to make corrections. If we can imagine a better world for all we can create a better world for all. If we cannot, then we won’t. It begins at home. It begins with each of us. It begins inside you and me. It is up to us.

The More We Do The More We Become Capable Of Doing

Anything is possible. If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right. It takes purpose and a vision to make things better. Let’s create the mission. Let’s decide now to make things better for all. Let’s set and work goals step by step to bring it about. Let’s do it!

If we take enough baby steps in the right direction we can reach the top of Everest. Many are waking up to this alarm. They’re doing what they can to help others. They’re going first. They’re serving. Many are risking their lives. They care about all of us. They get it. They do!

We can bring about a better world in the aftermath of crisis. We can help each other while we are going through this. We can make a difference for all. We just have to care enough for our one big family. Love and compassion are the guides to see us through! LOVE.

Skill Comes From Doing – What You Focus On Is What You Get

This crisis is an opportunity to bring about positive change. We can. If we only will. What we do today determines how we live tomorrow. Stay safe for yourself and for others. Be healthy. Be happy. Manage your mindset. Lend a hand. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes.

PS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing soon. I will keep you posted when you can get it!


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“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL

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Infographic ©2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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