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“You rarely ever have to use massive action to get anything. You can, but usually you don’t. Take the least actions to make it happen. That IS how the brain works. Your brain conserves energy and effort. Once you learn to do something, you usually don’t have to learn to do it again. You open doors, sit in chairs, do your job but you don’t relearn it every time you see a door, sit or work. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

You do it by rote. Habit. Same applies here. You decide what you want. Order it or do what’s necessary to initiate the process BUT not more. You expect to receive it. You go on to other things expecting it to arrive. It arrives. You engage and are glad and satisfied. You stop wanting it or ordering it, because you got it. You move on to the next thing you need to accomplish. You repeat the same process. You tell your employee.

‘This is what I need. Do it.’ You wait. They do and report back. Done! You’re grateful. NEXT! It’s simple. It’s elegant. It conserves energy. You take your car to a qualified repair person. They tell you what needs to be fixed. You say, ‘fix it’ and wait while they do. When done you pay and go, grateful it’s fixed. NEXT! I’m being simple and concise. If you complain about exceptions in the process described, you’ll miss the point.


It is easy and simple. In life there may be exceptions. STOP thinking of them. FOCUS on what works, not on what doesn’t. If your order isn’t perfect, okay. If the car costs more or the employee takes longer or doesn’t deliver correctly at first, adjust for it. The process remains the same even if you adjust and continue. Sometimes, things happen that you don’t want or expect, and still things ultimately work out for the better.

KNOW that you will be fine and everything good that can happen, will happen. Have that kind of faith. Believe in yourself. At least believe in yourself enough to know you can decide, put your order in, wait, receive, and enjoy a meal. You can be grateful and pay for it. AND know this. You do pay for it. In commerce you pay with money. Whether you barter or exchange cash, you pay. Understand there is always an exchange.

If you want to have a shaped physique you pay with your time and exercise. YOU DO what is necessary to sculpt your body and your body responds. It takes some effort, and it takes time. So what? There’s always an exchange. You decide. If the waitperson comes to you and you don’t know what you want, they go to someone else. They will return. If you still don’t know, they move on. ONCE you know, you can order.


The process is the same. You order, get it. Pay for it and move on. You expect to pay in return for goods and services. That ought not be an issue. Let it go. You pay with your faith. You believe it first so it can come to you. You align yourself. You align your actions with the right attitude. You don’t conform to the world but are transformed by the renewing of your mind. There is legwork but it is not manual labor. You put it into action!

It’s not a struggle or massive action. It doesn’t require risk or sacrifice. It requires faith or certainty. It requires clarity, knowing what you want and focus. You pay for it by your passion. If you truly want it you go for it. If you don’t want it enough, you won’t. Or, you’ll be haphazard about it and that’s meaningless. Muhammed Ali wanted to be world champion, so he trained to be champion even when he didn’t feel like it.

Because what he wanted was more important in the long run than sitting on the couch watching TV he trained.  The Wright Brothers wanted to fly so much they endured defeat after defeat and ridicule until they flew. They continued to experiment and try when things didn’t work out. They believed they’d fly even though they didn’t know how to fly, until after they flew. They knew what they wanted. They were clear about it.


They decided to go for it and did whatever they needed to do to make it happen. They persisted when it was easy and when it was tough because they really, really, really wanted to fly. They were obsessed. passionate! They were enthused. They didn’t let defeat, frustration or ridicule prevent them. They loved making things happen, even when it didn’t. I’m sure they were deflated and confused at times. Daunted, perhaps.

BUT they stuck with it because that’s what they ordered. They wanted to create and fly a heavier than air machine. THEY made it happen by putting their mindset, faith and passion to the task. Their actions flowed from their attitude and passion. Their desire and certainty kept them going correctly even when they made mistakes. They experimented and adjusted. Did they take massive action? Perhaps, at times. Maybe.

Most times they were methodical and consistent. They knew what they wanted, and they wanted it enough to continue pursuing it until they got it. Will you do that for your goals and dreams? Or are you wanting the results but not willing to pay? Are you more interested in hacks, quick fixes and the easy way or do you really want what you say you do? Are you going to sit on the couch and complain or train to be a champion?


Your present AND future is what you make it. You determine what will be. You determine who you are and what you do to have what you want? How willing are you to legitimately, honestly and optimistically for it? Remember, it’s Focus on your goal. Have a burning desire for its achievement. Believe you will get it and you will! That’s it! That’s the formula. Order it. Expect it. Enjoy it. Pay for it. Sometimes, you pay first.

Sometimes, you pay on your way out. There’s an exchange. Something for something. What will you pay to get it? More in the next blogs. Meanwhile, understand this process is simple. The process IS what you decide it will be. It is in your hands. You are in charge of it always whether or not you realize it. You call the shots. Your results ARE COMPLETELY UP to you! HOW YOU think determines whether it’s easy or not. As has been said, ‘pain may be inevitable, but suffering is a choice.’ Suffering is optional. Thinking makes it so. Your best weapon against defeat is your attitude. Learn to manage your mindset and you can transform the world. YOUR world. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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