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“It is from within to without – you really aren’t creating or attracting anything, you are transmuting the energy from having invisibly to having physically. Yes, you can affirm and visualize, journal and rehearse and all these practices are meant to get you to live from the feeling of already having it. To live and feel as if the wish is already fulfilled.

To be optimistic and positive and feel what it is like to already be it, are doing it and having it. Celebrate and be grateful for it now. Don’t put it in the future some day you might or will, NOPE you have it and are enjoying it now. You are seeing what you’d see, hearing what you’d hear, feeling what you’d feel, smelling what you’d smell and tasting what you’d taste NOW.

You don’t some imagine, visualize and affirm eating a dessert someday you imagine how good it is, the texture, the taste, the enjoyment, the satisfaction, what it looks and smells like, where you taste it in your mouth, chew ut, swallow it and how marvelous it is right this very moment. You create or recreate ALL the sensations you would experience then, IN THIS MOMENT!


It is now. You never put it off. If it is for another day then you don’t have it now, you don’t want to concentrate on the gap of not having it but the experience of having it right this instant. This intense experience tells your server subconscious THIS EXPERIENCE IS IT. Then it crafts the ways and means for you to get it.

You transmute the ideal experience within you are having now into the physical reality. It is only an energetic exchange and nothing else. From within to without. Get it? You think about it while feeling good- AND -you think about it and feel good. You keep this up until you get it. This is the process of making your dreams come true.

You fill your mind with what you want while feeling incredible, powerful, positive, intense feelings. You repeat it day and night. Your subconscious gets your message and begins working on it. At the same time develop certainty. Develop the certainty it is yours. Get this? That is what faith means. You know it. You don’t doubt, fear or worry. You let go and relax and have confidence in the process.


Your server will bring the food. Your serve will make what you want happen. Just as you give the waitperson the order and they take it back to the kitchen your conscious mind gives your subconscious mind the order. The waiter goes back to the kitchen where the chef (your subconscious mind and infinite intelligence) makes your food.

The chef or infinite intelligence makes the internal neural connections with your resources and your instincts and those around you in the world, the situations, circumstances and other people you need to make it come together for you. You don’t know the whole plan before you start the process of getting it. You can’t anyway. You don’t have to know how everything will work out before you begin.

You can’t anyway. You place the order and let those qualified work on making it happen (your subconscious mind and infinite intelligence is qualified). In the same way you don’t have to know how the dish is made or prepared. The chef is making it for you. You don’t micromanage or interfere unhelpfully. You do not go into the kitchen attempting to speed them up. It takes whatever time is necessary to prepare and cook your dish.


If you ran into the kitchen and picked the meal apart and asked questions about each ingredient, how it was prepared and how much time it would take you would only delay getting the meal. The more you interfered the longer it would take. Let the chef handle it. Wait patiently trusting it will be there when it is ready. Stay out of your own way. Your subconscious and infinite intelligence will do its part.

You do your part. Your part is to know what you want. Want it intensely to create the passionate feelings about it so much that you can already taste it. You feel it now as if it is yours. Live from that feeling of the wish fulfilled. Relax, trust, wait optimistically. Don’t interfere, whine or complain or keep checking or asking if it’s ready or when. Believe and receive. Cooperate with the universal laws.

Cooperate with the process. Be in harmony with these principles and develop the attitude of a master manifestor. Think and feel the best. ENJOY life. Be grateful this is yours. Be grateful you are a positive, optimistic manifestor. Vibe high! ENJOY!! This is the process. It’s simple. Know what you want. Keep it intensely in your mind with great feelings. Believe and expect you will get it.


Don’t interfere with the process. Don’t keep checking on whether it is turning out right or coming on time. Relax, and trust. Keep doing the process until you get it. If obstacles and challenges arise keep on going. Adjust as necessary but don’t give up. This is a process. It’s not magic. Someone is not giving it to you. It’s not the universe providing it in mystical ways.

It’s you and the universe cooperating to make it happen. It’s not your effort, struggle, risk or sacrifice. It’s not about you. It’s 99% right mind and 1% right actions. You make it happen! You call it into being! You manifest it, you create it!  You do the work to bring it about. You focus your mind and your thoughts on getting what you want. It starts with your mind. Most of the work is done there.

Attitude is everything! The physical work is not as important as the mindset but it’s still important. As your subconscious mind makes connections (I discussed the role of the RAS in earlier posts) it alerts you to opportunities you might have otherwise missed. You more readily notice events, circumstances, people, advantages favorable to you.


Because of your positive mindset and attitude, you draw others toward you. You ultimately develop a plan or the next steps you need to take on the way to getting your goal. Your subconscious is a fabulous mechanism when you learn and know how to use it to get what you want. AND when you get out of its way. The work you do to get your goal comes from your subconscious mind.

It reveals the things that you need to do to accomplish your goal. 99% of your success IS YOUR mental attitude and 1% the work, the steps you take that will get you everything you want in life. You can be, do and have anything and everything you want when you put your mind to it. Don’t sell yourself short, you have everything you need to be successful inside you! SO, celebrate everything!!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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