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“Meditation is not what you do to get into meditation. Meditation is dropping into the present fully aware. Dancing, yoga, watching breathing, Zazen, mantras are all ‘techniques’ to help you drop into the moment. You are not meditating while you are doing these.

Meditation begins when the doing ends. When one becomes the doing one may be meditating. Still, it is useful to have a variety of approaches or practices to drop in. Rest, relax, refresh. Breath, chant, be still or move. It is all good and can lead to meditation.

We erroneously call it meditating when we are preparing ourselves to enter meditation. No worries but one is journeying to get there, the other is being there. Mantras  can be useful to help quiet your mind. Repeat it silently over and over. Return to it when  distracted.

Meditation Is Non-Doing – Meditation Is Awareness – A Knack

It helps you learn to move back to source, move back to the mantra, move back to the stillness from the thought, feeling or distraction. Chanting it creates a mental vibration helping you become more aware. Learn to let go. Chant the mantra and discover stillness.

I enjoy Sanskrit phrases or syllables. You may enjoy these as well or even words in your native tongue. Release effort and simple repeat it silently. Breathe, relax, let go. Notice when you have forgotten the mantra and are lost in thoughts, then return to repeating the mantra. Go ahead and do it for 15 or so minutes. When comfortable extend the time. Enjoy the process. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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