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Money follows mindset. Sad but true OR very good news. That means when you get your mindset, your thinking and attitude right then everything else can fall into place. Most people haven’t learned this. I recently answered a person’s question and decided to share it.

Most people are taught or learned that they need money and things first and THEN they will be happy or positive. It is exactly the reverse. When you are positive and happy you are clearer and more resourceful than when stressed. Money comes more easily this way.

The truth is, most all people face the same challenge. That is how to learn to manage thoughts and feelings when things aren’t going well. If you thought about it for a second you’d realize that is the ONLY time you can really learn to manage their thoughts and feelings.

If Everything Were Already Rosy There’d Be No Need To Change

The time to change is right now. If you want things in your life to change, you must change things in your life. If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you have always got. There is never a better moment than right now. You change, things change.

Learn how to take charge of your thoughts and feelings. When you do, the future is yours. You can learn to be, do and have anything you desire. The key is to become it, then you will do the things that bring you what you want to have. Most everyone has this backwards!

The think having things will make them happy. They think if they do things they will have things and then be happier. Nope. You be happy, first and then everything else follows. This is why I write this blog. I write so you and I can learn to manage our thoughts and feelings.

Whether You Think You Can Or Your Think You Can’t You’re Right

This is why I have dedicated 2/3rds of my life to assisting others in making positive changes. If any one person can do it, then you can. Have faith. Start believing in yourself and begin to realize you can transform. Once you start it gets easier and easier.

You begin by imagining a better life.  Believe in yourself to make it happen and then YOU bring it about. Mindset is everything. Your attitude determines your altitude! Fill your mind daily with positive thoughts and create daily positive rituals. This is how it works!

It may take some time but it does work! Persist and you will discover how incredible you already are! Look for everything you already have in your life and feel grateful. Express your gratitude! Keep a journal. Look for the good in life and appreciate it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

***Transform your life! ENROLL TODAY IN MY MIND DESIGN™ ONLINE TRAINING ***  Email Now And Get Enrolled! createyourbestlifewithrex@gmail.com 


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