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“Most people don’t know how to work affirmations to get the results they want. Do you? If you are like many people you try them, somewhat, and give up. Some even furiously try them and then give up. There are ways to work them well and get great results.

What you want do is reprogram, or recondition, your subconscious thought habits to work for you. You want to create subconscious habits that serve and support you in the pursuit of behaviors and things you want more of in your life. The process is simple.

Most people screw up by how they think about affirmations and accomplishing their goals, in the first place. After all, limiting beliefs can be difficult for an individual to notice when the individual harbors and expresses limitations. Awareness is needed. Get it?

Do It Correctly – Repeatedly – Consistently – For Long Enough

Some people approach the notion of affirmations thinking they won’t work, try them a bit, don’t see immediate results and conclude they don’t work. Others bite off more than they can chew and expect miracles. They think, ‘I’ll do this and become a millionaire overnight!’

You can’t think of affirmations as something outside yourself. You are always doing affirmations. It is part of your thinking process. The issue is some of your thoughts are positive and many are negative. You are negatively affirming many things. Its why they don’t work.

Except they are working to get you what you don’t want. THIS is an important point. They are always working but you aren’t using them well to get what you want. You become what you think about. If you think they won’t work, well they won’t. Do you get this?

What You Say Is What You Get – You Get What You Focus On

It is up to you and how you use your mind. You are already using it to get a hodgepodge of things. Good and not so good. You need to learn to aim your mind, as a laser beam, at the good you want to create and attract and then do what is necessary to positively create it.

More next blog. In the meantime, begin to explore, become aware, when you are affirming things negatively. Notice when you are thinking how things don’t work, or how they ‘suck’, or what is wrong and how often you do that. Notice it. Observe it. Become aware. That is a huge first step. And learn to accept that what you do is what you learned to do. That’s okay. Embrace it. Learn to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Enroll In Mind Design™ Program. Email for details and to enroll! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and create your best life ever! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use the mind you have to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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