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“Have you ever felt that sometimes you needed to be hit over the head with a lesson before you learned it? Have you struggled to learn, grow or change? Has making changes been frustrating, difficult or painful? Would you like it to be easier?

Mindset makes a difference. Attitude is everything. Many of us have grown up with the notion ‘no pain, no gain’. While the spirit behind this notion is admirable, and while it does pace a certain reality, it doesn’t have to always be this way. In fact, this way could be rare.

Instead, for many of us, we grew up struggling. Sometimes as we did we were told without pain there is no gain. We internalized the notion. We adopted that mindset. We grew to think it was true most of the time or that was the way of the world. It need not be.

Play Is The Highest Form Of Research – Always Keep On Playing

It can be otherwise. Learning, growing, and changing can be easy, fun and exciting. It needn’t be a struggle. It is time we learned and embraced this. Some lessons may come hard or at a price but for the most part we can learn to enjoy transformation and have it pain free.

If we brought up our children with this mindset and provided rich, varied learning situations and experiences they would learn quicker, easier, with few problems and issues. This requires our educators and administrators to be flexible and keep the child in mind first.

It doesn’t happen that way for many reasons although through the years there have been successful programs. Learning can be fun! For our purposes here, it is important that the learner adopt the mindset that learning and  life can be a blessing and a joy. Thought matters.

Once You Stop Learning You Start Dying – Stay Open And Enjoy

Get hold of your thinking and take control. Steer it to the positive and you will feel better. As you feel better you will become more productive and get better results. That is it in a nutshell. Become positive, decide what is in your mind first and then create it.

Next blog, I’ll share more on how you can transform how you learn and change. For now, go back and read through articles on managing your thoughts, attitude and emotions. Practice the exercises you learn here on doing affirmations or Directed Questions™.

Implement these and you will discover yourself evolving in new positive ways. You will be in charge. For some readers it will be the first time in their lives they have taken charge of their lives. This is a big thing! Congratulations to you when you decide to be in charge.

The Expert In Anything Was Once A Beginner 

When you take full responsibility for you AND when you are accountable to you then things begin to change for the better. Your decision is the starting place. After that it is one step after another towards your goals and outcomes. BE happy. Enjoy the process. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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