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“Awareness is the first step in transformation. Acceptance is the second. That means you accept right where you are. You drop, let go or turn your back on self criticism and judgement. You accept or allow yourself to be precisely who you are right now. Accept you!

This is 2nd in a series of posts. Be sure to read previous post if you haven’t. Then continue with this one. Feel free to dip and dive into all the other posts. By reading and rereading you will gain great value. Experience revisited is how we learn and develop skill. Enjoy!

‘Okay, I am not where I want to be.’ Yet, that IS what is. No use crying over spilt milk. Accept it and move on. Accept that you may not be perfect, that you aren’t further ahead yet, that you have character flaws and that you might not, yet, know how to change. Accept it.

Be Yourself – Accept Yourself – Love Yourself – Be Grateful 

Whatever it is accept. Love yourself in spite of it. Better yet, love yourself because of it. You are you. You can’t be further ahead of you than you are. So stop judgements and assessing and relax into yourself. Embrace yourself as you are. Congratulate yourself!

Congratulate yourself for being you. Congratulate yourself for what you noticed. Pat yourself on the back. You don’t know what you don’t know. You are who you are up to this point. Be grateful you are able to recognize this about yourself right now. Celebrate you!

Change becomes easier when you don’t resist or fight anything. You may still want to move ahead and end up in another place but appreciate where you are right now. Really, truly, be grateful. If you will, you will open up incredible doorways to greater opportunity.

Accept Your Past Without Regrets – Learn From It – Accept It

Don’t fight yourself. Don’t blame or excuse. Don’t whine or complain. You are who you are, you have done what you have done and now you are here in this moment, aware and willing to make changes. Accept, allow, let go and delight in all of it. Truly celebrate you!

As for making the changes you want to make, accept that you can do it. Accept that you may want or need some help along the way. Accept that not everything happens according to your time line. Accept challenges and obstacles as life’s learning lessons. Learn!

If you felt or feel stuck, accept it. You may be stuck and don’t yet know what to do. That is okay. Don’t push it. You don’t have to know what to do right now. You don’t need to know how you will change. Later, you will know all that.  For now, simply enjoy being aware.

Accept Where You Are Here And Now You Can’t Be Anywhere Else

Realize that each of us becomes aware, or wakes up, or sees a potentially different life for ourselves in our own time. Whenever or wherever that is IS when it is. Accept the timing of the universe instead of fighting with it. Do you understand this? You will in time.

Accept that you awaken when you awaken. Accept and utilize everything. Don’t be dismissive or wallow. Get it? When you become aware that you want to move forward differently, and you accept where you are at, YOU CAN BEGIN to move forward; From here!

You don’t blame and excuse yourself, which further causes you to remain stuck. You let go and become open to new possibilities. Okay, you think, ‘but I still don’t know what to do’. Well, you begin from where you are. Your first steps are from here and now.

Accept The Universe’s Time Frame – Everything Has A Season

You can’t begin from elsewhere. You can’t be other than who you are right now.  So you begin from here and now. Take a deep breath. Decide to begin to live differently. Commit to living more positively. Determine to be more optimistic and enjoy life more. Choose!

You will find great power comes from making an important decision. Decide what you want and then commit to making it happen. HOW you make it happen will become clear as you move along. First things first. Become aware. Accept. Decide what you want and commit.

Know where you want to end up then you can plan your route. Determine to make happen what you want to make happen and never give up. Travel as far as you can see and when you get to that place you will be able to see farther. Get it? First things first,

Some People Are Ready To Change – Some People Aren’t – Decide

How is not the question to ask now. You will discover how. WHY? Is a much more important question. List out all the reasons you want what you want. Notice what you want and what you don’t want. Re-state it in the positive. Think ‘This is WHY I will make this happen’.

Create as big list of positive ‘whys’ as you can.  Know WHY you want what you want. What will having that do for you? How will your life improve when you have this? See it, hear it, feel it, smell it , taster it. If your why’s are big enough there is no question you will go after it.

If you are wishy washy about your why’s you probably won’t get very far. Know what you want and why! If you absolutely must have it then commit to making it happen. Do whatever honest, legitimate, positive things you need to do to bring it about. Make it happen!

Accept that you are able to do this. Accept that anything you might need you can find, make or learn to do. Accept your decision and enjoy it. You want life to be better now go ahead and make it better. Feel good about your decision to improve yourself. Feel glad.

Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility – Do You Understand This

Ultimately, you will make a plan for getting what you want. But that is not the first step. Many people never go after their goals because they make a big mistake. They  think  they need to know how first. You don’t BUT YOU DO need know what you want and why you do.

You are at the beginning. Be delighted! You became aware enough to initiate some changes. Delight in yourself. Delight in your new awareness.  Delight in your decision. Enjoy the process of getting your goals. AND celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Skip, sing, do a little happy dance today.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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