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“Anxiety is a habitual response to certain triggers. You learned to feel anxious in certain situations. You weren’t born with it. To feel anxious one must be thinking, imagining, and saying to oneself certain things. The feelings arise seemingly outside of control.

That’s because it is an unwanted habit. You don’t want it. Still, fear is a natural response when appropriate and reality based. Worry or anxiety is a reaction that is usually based on something that will not come to pass. So it’s worth it to learn how to abate and control it.

Anxiety rises. It may do so pretty quickly which is called ’emotional flooding.’ That means it starts as a trickle but soon can become a flood. So you want to catch it and quell it as soon as you notice it. Otherwise, momentum takes over. Like a snowball rolling down.

Become Aware – Stop It – Start Doing Anything Else Immediately

The snowball picks up mass and speed as it rolls down the mountain. Stop it from rolling at the start and the issue is over. When you first notice or feel panic ‘coming on’ or beginning, take a break. Stop! Interrupt whatever you are doing. Breathe. Interrupt it at the start.

Take a brisk walk. Think about something else. Jump up and down. Skip. Sing. Laugh. Take a few moments and remove yourself from the situation or circumstance that is triggering those panicky feelings. Instead of going down the anxiety rabbit hole do something fun.

You will get relief. If you do this each time you immediately notice the onset of those feelings you will soon learn to react differently. You will learn, train or condition yourself to have a positive response. You’ll lessen the impact of anxiety or panic in time.

Stop – Take Deep Breath – Shift To Positive – Take A Few Moments

You’ll trade the panic habit for a habit of responding more calming and relaxed if you’ll do this whenever panic is triggered. You’ll end the ’emotional flooding’. Pretty soon you’ll come to recognize you’re able to handle more situations than you thought you could.

Pat yourself on the back. You made a positive change. Just remember to take a few moments for yourself. Notice the panic arise and interrupt it by doing anything else. Then spend a few moments doing something enjoyable. Dance, sing, meditate or relax as I suggested above. Since you learned to panic in the old days you can learn to feel relaxed and calm, or confident in the days to come. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PSS My new book Life On Your Terms: Creating The Life You Want is publishing April 28. Now on Amazon. Don’t buy it yet. On 4/28 I’m going to do something very special for you. Stay tuned!


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“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL

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Infographic ©2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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