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“Are you tired of not getting what you want? Perhaps you need or want money, a new car or home, better health, an improved relationship? Whatever it is you want, you wish for it, pray for it, hope for it, you seem to do everything but nothing much happens.

Why? What is going on? There is a formula that works. I have repeatedly shared it in these blog pages. You can’t hear it or see it until you are ready to. Only when the student is ready does the teacher appear. It is here! Study, review. Repeatedly read. LOOK!

Be open. When you finally get it, it will all become clear. Then manifesting becomes easy. The you can create your best life ever! I share these principles and practices here and in my programs for you to benefit BUT you must do the work. Seek and you will find.

Sow Little Reap Little – Sow Big Reap Big

When it comes to making things happen, getting your goals and making you dreams come true you must dedicate yourself. You must spend the preponderance of your time visualizing what you want, affirming it with positive emotions and managing your mindset.

The more you put into it the more you get out of it. The Law pf Cause and Effect is you reap what you sow. If you sow little you will reap little compared to if you sow big. The Law of Increase dictates you will always get back more than you put into it. Effort multiples.

One seed can result in a tree that produce bountiful fruits or flowers. Fruit and flowers is not the increase. It is the producing life cycle of that tree that was born by one seed. That tree could continue to produce for 50 or more years. That is increase!

The Size Of Your Harvest Depends On What You Sow

So you ‘work’ hard, diligently, to plant the seeds and nurture them to fruition. You must spend most of your hours in positive mindset, believing, expecting, you will make what you want happen. Your desire is not enough. Plenty of people desire and don’t get.

People pray, they ask, they beg and still nothing. In order to make it happen you must make it happen. You must imagine what you want with clarity. Visualize and affirm. Feel good about getting it. Feel excited and KNOW that you will. Be certain and don’t waiver. Get it?

Expect to get it because you will make it happen. Persist until you do. Never give up. Adjust if you must and continue BUT with all that hard work you must also relax. Let go and allow it to happen. You can’t push a rope. You need to plant the seed and wait in good faith.

If You Can Conceive It And Believe It You Can Achieve It

You need to know how to receive. You do your part, universe, god, your subconscious, infinite intelligence, source, whatever you want to call it, will do it’s part. You sow and you reap the harvest. You can’t force the harvest. You allow it to unfold. So relax, too! Let go. Enjoy and along the way learn to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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