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I just want you to know you are important to me. Regardless of the outcome of the election in the USA today, which for many people is fraught with fear and anxiety here and abroad, I am here for you. I will always be here for you. I am grateful for you. Thank you.

This Is A Safe Place Of Gratitude, Inspiration And Transformation

This blog and my purpose and programs are all based on thinking, feeling and behaving the very best for yourself and for others. My vision and mission is to uplift and help as many people as possible. If you like being your best and helping others too, we are like-minded.

This blog is for a community of like-minded people who want to live their best life, create opportunities for themselves and each other. Together we can make the world a better place. Together we seek paths of success to travel together and alone. We are safe here.

My purpose is to support you, to assist you, to help you remember what is important and put it in place and to introduce you to ideas, principles and practices you may not yet be familiar with. The point is to nurture, encourage and help you make a difference.

You Are Important To Me And I Am Grateful For You: Thank You!

I got your back. Remember, we can light a million candles off just one candle provided that candle is lit. Too many people suffer needlessly. Too many worry and fear they won’t make ends meet. Too many want things but don’t know how to get them. I’d like to help with this.

Help me help you. Help me help others. I share with you and you share with them, If you are at all touched and moved by positive posts and practices you can use to make a real difference I encourage you to encourage others. I encourage you to be calm.

Relax into whatever is going on. Let it go. The kite rises highest against the wind. We grow stronger through challenges and can learn what is most important when our values, beliefs and lifestyle is challenged or made difficult. Keep the faith. Really, keep the faith.

Keep  Caring For Each Other, Helping And Uplifting  Each Other

As a community, let’s support each other. I’m here for you. I am thankful for you and most grateful. There is a reason this is called Daily Inspiration and Gratitude. Stay happy, safe and healthy. Today, as in every day, Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes

Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen. Available at Amazon in book or kindle. Get it today! Here’s the link:


“Rex Sikes has taken many of life’s most relevant topics for success, and expressed them in a way that each of us are able to relate, value and apply to our lives. It’s easy to journey through life and get into routines that leave us passing time with no improvement or excellence to celebrate. Rex offers practical methods, built on the basic platform of human psychology and inner development for anyone to comprehend. Overcoming personal barriers and navigating our way around life’s roadblocks, is what determines our quality of life. You will find the juicy nuggets expressed in this book, to help you do just that. Now sit back, and turn the pages as you begin a little journey of personal discovery!” – Scott Fardulis, Network Marketing Professional


Meet Scott. A great guy. He’s  another amazing influencer, entrepreneur and network marketer. He helps people create a good life, health and more wealth by becoming passionate about life and what they can accomplish. He lives in Colorado. Scott’s a powerful positive force. Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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