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horizons a-rose-by-any-other-name-phil-koch

“If you always do what you always did you always get what you always got. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is insane. You must do things differently to grow.

If want your life to change you have change some things in your life. Do some new things or you are only always doing the same old things. Try something new. Add some variety to your experience.

How about today, you spend it, sending unconditional love and acceptance to those important to you. Give them love and then give them some more. Imagine it flowing from your heart to theirs.

Fill them, surround them, bathe them with your loving kindness, loving thoughts, loving energy and acceptance. Forgive them if you need to, or yourself. Accept, forgive, let go and love. Give and give.

Something magical happens when you allow yourself to appreciate others and when you do something nice for them. You don’t have to announce it, they don’t even have to know. Just do it. Send! Send!

Pick some of the important people in your life and send them loving, kind, positive, thoughts and energy. Visualize it  too. Imagine them bathed in light, laughter and well being. See them enjoy it.

See them healthy, happy and whole. When done, reflect on your gift to them for a moment. Just sit quietly. Be with the moment. Then prepare to do it again. This time we’ll change it up a bit.

Send love, send kindness and wellbeing to at least 3 people who you never would ever think to send love to. Send love to people who have pissed you off, frustrated or irritated you. Accept and send love.

It might be challenging but do it anyway. Give them a gift too. Go first. Be kind and loving. Be accepting and forgiving. Gift them with all the goodness you gave those you really do love in life.

When finished, reflect and be in the moment. Do this each day. Spend some time giving love to others. Love the ones you love and the ones you don’t. Do it for at least a week, 30 days is better.

Do it everyday.  Just radiate love. Do it and notice how your life improves. It will! You’ll find, perhaps, that you want to keep doing it after the 30 days.  Be grateful, enjoy, delight and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Have a wonderful day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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