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“One could say we are the sum total of our thoughts and behaviors. Of course, feelings are a part of that. The funny thing is most of what we think and feel are memories and habits. Think about it. The barista pisses you off. You think about it for hours or all day long!

You feel angry as you think about it. You think of what you should have said or done. You feel resentment.  Maybe you want revenge. You tell others about it. WHAT exactly are you thinking and feeling about? It’s a memory. It happened earlier in the day. A memory!

You are triggered by a memory. Most likely you act pretty much how you always would act when you felt wronged. You feel the same feelings; say the same sort of things; and behave the same ways. You think you are doing something new but you are repeating a pattern.

95 to 99%  Of Our Behaviors Are Automatic And Unconscious

You are controlled by your subconscious habits. It got triggered by the barista and it is triggered during the day that causes you to think, feel, react and behave the way you do. You are on autopilot. You actually are. Your subconscious habits govern you. They drive you.

We are controlled by our habits. We have habits that serve and support us and those that cause us pain and suffering. We have habits that lead us down a negative pathway. We are creatures of our habits.Most of which we developed early on while growing up.

You know the saying, ‘habits are hard to break’. That’s why you find yourself repeating less than glorious, negative behaviors. You think, feel bad, and react the same way over and over again. If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got.

Awareness Is The Key To Change – You Won’t Change Until Aware

Get it? In order to do new things YOU must do new things. You must break the hold the old habits have on you. You can, when you know how. Stop being governed  by old limiting conditioned habits. Create new, positive habits that support you. Each of us can. Will you?

We need to override the negative, chronic conditioning we grew up with. If you want your life to change you must change some things in your life. Awareness is the very first key. You must first know you need to change. You must recognize what you need to change.

You must catch yourself when the habit triggers. This requires awareness. You have to notice you are going down the negative highway before you get too far down along it. Get it? You need to notice when you are beginning the old negative, chronic habit.

If You Keep Doing What You’ve Been Doing You’ll Keep Doing It

When you notice it at the onset you have an opportunity, a chance of changing it. You can alter it. Divert it. Stop it. BUT you first need to recognize it is happening and do something new and different. If you always do what you always did… You need to behave differently!

You need to think differently. Sing, dance, yell STOP, jump, take deep breaths, skip, laugh, do ANYTHING else that interrupts the pattern. Engage in a new and different behavior that alters the neural pathway your brain is traveling. Detour! Take a different route.

Get it! You want to create new habits that support you to get free. Break the chain. Break the pattern. Interrupt it. Then behave in a new and positive way instead of the old, negative, less than glorious way. Get it? You need to retrain your brain and create new habits.

To Change Your Life You Need To Change Some Things In Your Life

The more we emphasize what we want to think, believe and feel about ourselves, and repeat if frequently, with positive emotional intensity, the sooner we create new lasting positive and powerful supportive habits. More in future blogs. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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