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“Life is filled with woes and challenges. So are the games we play. If we weren’t challenged in sports or board games of any kind, they would be dull and not worth the time spent. Life is filled with ups and downs. You can moan about it, or decide it is an adventure to enjoy!

Believe you can handle any situation that arises. You are bigger than any obstacle or challenge. You can learn from adversity instead of buckling under it. Focus your mind on what you want. Let go. You can’t control everything, but you can appreciate everything!

Give yourself room. Know that, believe with certainty, that things will always turn out for the best, given enough time. With the right attitude and focus you can over-come doubts and fears. You can overcome anything that prevents you from living your dreams

Obstacles Do Not Block The Path They Are The Path  – Enjoy All

Stop being petty and stingy with yourself. Start being your biggest fan. If you have to be selfish, determine that will include being, doing and feeling your best, and making the wisest use of your choices and time. Give generously to you, and others, and you’ll get more back.

Look for the good. Notice abundance all around you. Feel the good. Feel blessed. Feel healthy, wealthy and happy. Savor and enhance the good feelings. Vibrate high! Keep a gratitude journal. You will begin to notice more coming to you. Mindset is everything!

Your mindset and attitude determine what you create and attract. Keep in mind, even more than attraction, it is what you create that matters most. Some people just focus on the wrong things. Begin focusing on what you can do. You want to live the best life ever then enjoy everything, be grateful, feel blessed and celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

Day 4 today! Check out this wonderful summit on wealth I am a part of! My segment comes up August 6th. Be sure to watch and listen!

The Gold Within You – How to Release Money Blocks, Elevate Your Wealth Consciousness and Attract Money Like Crazy!

You can register, for FREE, using this link. You can watch from anywhere!

***  STILL NEED MORE HELP – Create your best life ever!  ***

CLICK TO WATCH  Create Your Best Life With Rex Sikes


MENTORING AND COACHING CANDIDATES, and those interested in learning more, come join me. Programs available.

Celebrate yourself and others today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch!

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