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I came across this meme that is quite powerful and a great reminder. I wanted to share it with you. It is a great lesson and worth keeping in mind. I don’t know who authored it.

“If you can catch about 100 red fire ants that live in the southwestern desert and also about 100 of those large black ants that live there and drop them into the same jar, not much will happen… until you shake the jar vigorously and dump them out onto the ground.

The red ants will attack the black ants and the black ants will attack the red ants and they’ll devastate each other. The thing is the red ants think the blacks ants is the enemy and the black ants think the red ants is the enemy and all those ants put together never do figure out that the real enemy is the guy that shook the jar.”

Get it? WOW…

We spend so much time fighting ourselves and others without ever realizing what and WHO the source of the problem really is.

If we did, we’d address it, right? Wouldn’t you?

At least you’d hope so! Unfortunately, most people don’t recognize the source of their own difficulties nor do they actually do anything about it.

They are too busy fighting people, events and circumstances BUT you no longer have to. You can address the real issue and as a result make some real positive changes and start getting better results in your personal life and professional life!


Stop fighting. 

Stop making excuses and blaming the wrong things!

Start Winning

Start Succeeding

Start skyrocketing your results.

You can begin right now.

You may be suspicious. You may be concerned about cost. You might not think you are capable.

First, there is no risk. Try it out. Risk free.

Second, It cost pennies! Less than 14 cents a day. DO THE MATH!

Third, You will easily learn a process that can bring you great reward and return on your investment that can change your life for ever.

Countless others have and now it is time you do too!


You will think better!

You will feel better!

You will do better.

Stop missing out and take one small action today that can mean so much to you in the short and long run. 

Stop fighting with those things you think are the problem but are not!

Take care of the real cause of your problems and stop the problems by addressing the cause so you can start getting the results and live the life you deserve and desire.

I’m here to help. What I am sharing with you will make a real difference in how you go through each and every day!!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Start THINKING, FEELING, AND ACTING BETTER TODAY and you will be so impressed with the results you get GUARANTEED!


Rex Sikes

PS If you do nothing nothing changes. If you act now you can positively change things for the better. It may seem like a miracle but it won’t be. It will be you doing it. You’ll put your life, leisure and your work together in incredible and wonderful ways.

Do you know who this is? You should! This is Joe Soto super-dad, brilliant entrepreneur, thought leader and marketer!  Available @ amzn.to/3f4PTWu

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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