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“Physical exercise and proper nutrition returns results. Proper mental exercise and nutrition returns results, too. How and what you feed your mind determines the results you get back. Feed your mind well. Stick with the positive exercise. Stay relaxed and calm.

Enjoy each moment. Stop focusing on the current world and present time results, whatever they may be. Stay focused on your goal. Focus on where you want to be at that time in the future. Stop letting other things distract you from what is truly important to you.

If you get easily distracted, perhaps, what you are wanting ISN’T that important to you. If it were you’d spend more time focused on it. By limiting your attention to your major goals you can initiate powerful mental processes and put them to work for you.

Happiness can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Learn to decide what you want. Decide quickly and change your mind slowly. But make sure you make well-informed decisions based on accurate information. DO the legwork so you are able to make the best decision for yourself. Then, you won’t want to change it.

You’ll stop second guessing because you investigated it and vetted your decision. You know it is well-made. Stay focused on what you can do and do it. Think positive about your abilities and become certain you will accomplish your goal. Feel this intense

Form positive thinking, feeling and action habits. You do this through repetition. Think positively, constantly and consistently about your goal and expect it to happen. Think about your goal and be happy, positive, excited and eager. Feel the best you can feel. Stay joyous!

More wealth can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Find your best feelings each day and feel the intensely. Practice gratitude. List people, things and experiences but don’t just list them. FEEL the gratitude. REALLY feel it. Appreciation appreciates. Your life will transform the better you feel. You vibe high. Get this.

In time, you will get your goal. In the meantime, you will transform yourself and the journey into something incredible. The overall big goal is or should be to enjoy the journey. Make feeling good about the journey important. Journey well towards your destination.

Feel wonderful all along the way. Maintain positive desire, expectations and belief. Feel wonderful and certain it is all working out for you to get your goal. The journey is what it is all about. The journey is ALL you actually have so make it special all along the way.

Success can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

When you plant an acorn you expect it to grow and become an oak tree with the proper nutrition and care from the universe. Inside every acorn is the potential for a giant oak. It exists invisibly as potential. The acorn does what it does. It becomes a great oak.

The acorn grows underground in darkness where we can’t see it. We trust it germinates. We have to trust that the process began. Don’t dig it up and check on it. You’ll harm or kill it. Wait. We have to. You can suffer while waiting or you can wait with positive expectations.

The choice is yours. Eventually, a small plant breaks through the earth. It reaches toward the sky. With continued care and nutrition it becomes a sapling and then a mighty oak. During this time it encounters difficult elements which serve to make it grow strong.

Love can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Without the difficult elements, it would not grow strong. It needs the challenge. As do we. Getting your goals and dreams is a process. There are steps and time frames in which things occur. People want magic and results yesterday. They want it quick and easy. FAST!!!

Because we’ve all been conditioned through media, advertising, news, peers, family, friends and our culture. We’ve been brainwashed. A farmer plants and waits and then harvests when the time is right. The farmer doesn’t rush it. The farmer knows.

The farmer cares for the crop. The farmer does the best the farmer can do while expecting to harvest what was planted. The day then comes. Whatever the farmer planted yields far more than the original seedling.  So it is with getting your goals. Your day comes.

If you have traveled well then you have enjoyed everything along the way and life is good even when it doesn’t seem to be. Your mindset is victorious over circumstances. You live well. PLUS, you get your goal. You reach your destination which is what you intended BUT you did it with joy and delight. You succeeded along the way. This makes it all the more worthwhile, doesn’t it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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International Marketing Guru Joe Soto

©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

Meme @2021 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars



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