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“In recent blogs, I taught and I encouraged you to ask, ‘does this support me? Is this supportive or non-supportive?’ A very important consideration. Something either supports and uplifts you, or it does not. I snuck in another question, too. Perhaps, you noticed it.

If something is not supportive, ‘what can I change; what thought, feeling or behavior?’ If you discover your thoughts aren’t supporting you, then you should, you must change them, to supportive ones that help get you the results you want. Awareness, then shifting, is key!

If you do something that makes you feel bad, you want to change it to something that makes you feel good. Realize, you should have a conscience too. You ought to do what is best for you and everyone involved. I am never suggesting you do anything to harm anyone.

Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You’re Right

That includes you and others. Be sensitive and be good to all. Another consideration, prior to getting into the next question I share, is this question? Is it positive or negative? If something is negative and doesn’t support you, change it? Focus on the positive.

You get what you focus on. You want a better life? You don’t get one by focusing on negativity, what is wrong or lacking. You make your life better by focusing on those positive thoughts, feelings and actions you can take, to get you positive and better results. Get it?

The point of these questions I am sharing, is to bring your awareness to the moment. Is what is going positive or negative? Does it support you or not? What change can you make to your thinking, feeling or behaving that will shift it from negative to positive and supportive?

Change Your Mindset And You Change Your Life – Be Positive

More next time. For now keep focused and keep asking. Stay tuned to what you are grateful for. This combination of gratitude and positivity, with questions that direct  you into being and feeling supportive, is unstoppable. Make it your new habit. Master it. It is amazing. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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