“Let’s keep it simple. Let’s nutshell it all. Live. Love. Laugh. Celebrate. There’s power in choosing joy. Love yourself. Accept yourself, even when you don’t feel like it. Respect yourself. Speak well of yourself. Train your mind to think the best. Speak to yourself with kindness and encouragement, the way you would to a close […]
“Why are you unhappy? Why are Americans not as happy as they could be? The accurate reason for why people anywhere are not as happy as they could be is because people think circumstances control them. If you asked someone if they could be happy all the time, you’d get a variety of responses. Some would say, ‘Nope, […]
“Celebrate, be grateful. Live with appreciation for anything and everything. Nothing is too small nor too large to feel gratitude for. Nothing is too negative to not find some aspect to be thankful for. Learn to look for the silver linings hidden in the dark clouds. The more you are filled with genuine thanks for […]
“Do you want your life to improve for the better? Do you want more happiness, success, love, fun, wealth, better health, and well-being? Do you want to live without worry, fear, and doubt? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be filled with joy and be at peace too? All these and more can be yours. It […]
“This is so important to keep in mind. Many people busy themselves with pursuing so much they end up like pushing rope or trying to herd cats. They are so into doing it they are distracted from receiving it. There is ebb and flow. Night and day. Give and take. Doing and resting. Manifesting and receiving. Remember to allow it to come in. Don’t push so much you push it away. Be receptive.
Robert Collier reminds us‘As a matter of fact, you constantly have all that you will take. So keep yourself in a state of receptivity. It is your business to receive abundantly and perpetually. The law of opportunity enforces its continuance and availability.‘ Some people plead and beg and pray so fervently they forget, ask, believing you shall receive, and you shall receive. Stop pushing it away.
Claim it. It’s already yours. Allow it. Invite it. Welcome it. Receive it. Accept it. Embrace it. Be thankful for it. We live in a state of grace, but we are so distracted by events and circumstance, news and media, gossip and complaints, wanting and wishing, blames and excuses, reasons and answers we forget who we are, what we already are and that we live within divinity. We are divine. We are grace.
Some people are in the habit of pursuing it so hard they forget to relax and allow it in. Remember, we exhale and inhale. We inhale and exhale. The waves go out and the waves come in. Accept it. Believe it. Be it and you discover. If all you do is want, beg and act to get it, you don’t already accept you are it and have it. You think it’s apart from you instead of a part of you. What you think, matters!
You don’t realize it’s already yours. You see the gap and not having it, instead of seeing yourself already with it. Instead of realizing you are a part of it, as the drop of ocean water on the table is still ocean water, you are part of all of it. You are not separate from it. You are it. Receive this. Be this and you will know. Day and night. Plant and harvest. It’s two aspects of one. Allow yourself to be it. Allow yourself to do it. Allow yourself to have it. Celebrate all of it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS Subscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! It’s free. Comment. Like and share the blog. Give a gift that keeps on giving! PLUS, You can join the Daily Discussions on Clubhouse in Rex’s Sikes’ Celebrate Everything room. Find us on Clubhouse!
LIFE ON YOUR TERMS: CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT! Get your copy today. Get some for family, friends and others. It makes a great gift!
“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms.It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” – Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist
This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host
“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate
“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
It’s your good fortune. Get One For Yourself, And Some To Give Them Away!
“Love and accept yourself. Release, let go, drop judgements, forgive, allow, love and accept yourself. Your judgements, your self-criticizing, your angst, your frustration, worry, fear, anger, sadness are only mental and emotional habits. It’s prior conditioning. None of it is accurate. None of it is true. it’s not only real. It seems that way because you think it is real. Your thoughts determine your reality.
Your thoughts determine which hormones and chemicals you release into your system. These determine whether you feel wonderful or stressed. Your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual even financial health is a matter of past conditioning, wired in programming which becomes a habit. Want something different? Change habits? Stop thinking that’s stinking and choose to think better to feel better.
Stop speaking about problems and crap and start speaking about what you appreciate, are grateful for, have and what you want to and will make happen. If you want to change your self-imagine then change it. See yourself as you want to be. Imagine it as if it is already the case. Speak to yourself and about yourself and circumstances only to bless, edify, heal, inspire, prosper, transform and uplift.
Stop waiting and begin today. The only thing waiting until it’s right or you feel ready is delay the start. The person who waits, waits. Love yourself now. Accept yourself now. All of it. All of you. You are divine. You are energy. You are the same as everything else in the universe because you too are the universe. There’s no difference EXCEPT that you think there is. You think you’re separate. Thinking makes it so.
Think you are divine. Think you are positive and optimistic. Think you are loving and lovable. Think you are peace. Think you are delighted. Allow it. Invite It. Welcome It. Receive it. Accept it. Stop resisting. Stop fighting. Stop delaying. Stop judging. Stop fearing. Stop worrying. Stop self-loathing and criticism. Stop judging. Start calling it all good. Start being grateful for everything.
Feelings are signals. They’re neither good nor bad. All have results. Which results do you want? Some chemicals are produced to get you to move from danger. That’s a gift, not bad. Some are relaxing and cause you to rest. Not bad, but good. Some make you feel wonderful. Again, all are good. Stop fighting yourself and allow yourself to discover who you truly are without all the habits masking your true self.
Not liking yourself, resisting, fighting, fear, worry, dissatisfaction with yourself, others, events and circumstances are nothing more than habits which have consequences. Want different? Learn to be different. Learn to love, accept and enjoy yourself. When you do that, you can allow others to be who they are, circumstances to be what they are and you can accept all and allow more good into your life.
Once you develop the habit of loving and approving of yourself, others and circumstances your life and life events transform. You will recognize and find more wonderful possibilities and opportunities. You’ll discover resources within you and around you, you didn’t know were there. They’ve always been there but your thought habits prevented you from noticing. Life can be grand for you because it is AND so are you. Celebrate everything and notice how everything changes. That’s why I encourage you to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS Subscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! Comment. Like and share blog with others. Give a gift that keeps on giving! PLUS, Join the Daily Discussions on Clubhouse in Rex’s Sikes’ Celebrate Everything! room. Find us on Clubhouse!
Get your copy today! Get some for family, friends and others. It makes a great gift!
“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms.It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” – Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist
This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host
“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate
“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
It’s your good fortune. Get One For Yourself, And Some To Give Them Away!
“Albert Einstein pointed out,‘Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others, it is the only means.’Which is precisely why it’s important we choose with great care and wisdom whom we elevate to role model status. Who do we want as ‘leaders’ or representatives? Who will some choose to follow? Careful, now. Who is a worthy role model for your child? Who do you want them to follow?
Actions speak louder than words! Whether it’s praise, whines, excuses or blames words are meaningless by comparison. Anyone can say or promise anything. Do they follow through? Are they good for it? Do they keep their word? Do they walk their talk? By their works you will know them. From their actions you will know them. You are known by the company you keep, and you seek.
Therefore, seek to be an exemplar. Be a compassionate, loving, kind understanding, accepting, honest, transparent role model. If you have anything, have integrity. Walk the talk and talk the walk. But make sure you truly walk it. Saying one thing but doing another, isn’t helpful. Unless it is thinking twice about doing something hurtful or harmful to yourself or others.
Realize others are watching you whether you know it or like it. You are observed by young and old, by friends, family, coworkers and strangers. What example do want to give? Your words, your actions, your outlook and attitude are on display at all times. As are your ethics and morals. Whether you wish to or not you are likely influencing those around you and your words, behaviors and demeanor.
They are learning from you and even mirroring you. Especially children. Understand this. Become aware of your role in the world whether you chose it or not. You can’t not help influencing others by who you are and what you say and do. So, what kind of role model do you want to be? How about being positive, optimistic, humble, and kind. How about being authentic and true to yourself?
What about being dedicated to truth, kindness and helping others? Might that be important. No one cares how much you know if you’re a jerk. Do you care? Do you have empathy? Are you willing to be open, listen to understand, and accept others where they are at? Are you communicating honestly? Do you cooperate and collaborate and seek unity? Harmony is good. Do you support others?
How good are you at inspiring, uplifting and edifying others. Do you help others? Do you have patience? Are you truly respectful of others? Can you appreciate who they are even when different or holding different beliefs and opinions? Do you express gratitude for others? Are you open and accepting of them, or do you harbor resentments, prejudices and grudges? Are you a forgiving person?
Do you take full responsibility for your actions whether good or bad? Do you therefore hold yourself accountable as well? Are you trustworthy and reliable? Can you be counted on? Do you respect yourself AND others? It’s important to do both. If you respect your time, do you respect theirs? AND if you respect their time, do you respect yours? Are you so willing to be liked you’ll say or do anything?
No one really likes a ‘yes’ person who will say anything just to be liked. It’s fine to have an opinion. It’s great to have a purpose, vision and a mission. What is important is how you pursue it. Do you want to crush others and beat the competition or do you understand there is a place for all. Being the best doesn’t mean others can’t be great too. Are you flexible and willing to change when wrong.
If you make a mistake, can you adjust and continue? Are you patient, forgiving, understanding and kind to yourself as well as others? When troubles appear to your rise to the occasion or buckle. Who are you? What kind of role model are you? Because you are one even if you say you are not. So, be the best one. Be the one you’d want your kids to learn and benefit from. Whose care you could leave them in and trust they’d not only be okay but be well off because of the time spent with you. Get it? Be responsible to yourself and to all. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS Subscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! Comment. Like and share blog with others. Give a gift that keeps on giving! PLUS, Join the Daily Discussions on Clubhouse in Rex’s Sikes’ Celebrate Everything! room. Find us on Clubhouse!
Get your copy today! Get some for family, friends and others. It makes a great gift!
“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms.It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” – Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist
This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host
“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate
“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
“If a successful person wants to do something it never occurs to them that they can’t. They believe in themselves and that they can accomplish what they want. They passionately pursue their goals because in their heart they know they can be, do or have anything they put their mind & effort into getting. Do you think and behave this way? If they want it, it’s a done deal! Fear doesn’t stop them.
Doubt doesn’t prevent them. The successful person never questions it. They’ve confidence in their ability to use their minds to create the circumstances they want created. The successful person takes 100% responsibility for achieving. They make things happen! Do you want to succeed in your career and life? If you want to be happy and enjoy more of what life offers, adopt a winning attitude.
To enjoy enduring success, you must think as a successful person does. Attitude is everything. They don’t let hardship derail them. They keep going. They look for solutions. Why? Because they want it. And because they want it, they decide they are going to have it. It’s what Henry Ford said when he wanted the V8 motor developed. His engineers said it was impossible. He said, ‘I want it. I’ll have it.’
Attitude IS everything. If you want something, become relentless in the positive pursuit. You don’t have to crush competition or do anything illegal. Set your sites on it and decide to make it happen. Focus and passionately pursue creating it. Believe you can. Enlist others to help. Successful people create working mastermind groups. They work together against the odds. Their vision and mission drive them. Does yours drive you? Are you willing to go all in? If you are, then do it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS Subscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! Comment. Like and share blog with others. Give a gift that keeps on giving! PLUS, Join the Daily Discussions on Clubhouse in Rex’s Sikes’ Celebrate Everything! room. Find us on Clubhouse!
The Attitude Activator™ is the only hypnotic process you will ever need! USE IT NOW TO DEVELOP THE POSITIVE MINDSET AND BELIEFS TO ATTRACT AND LIVE THE GOOD LIFE YOU DESIRE MOST! — Get the Attitude Activator™ TODAY and transform your life!
If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got AND doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting a different result IS the definition of insanity. Stop the insanity!
“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful & resourceful & abundant! Click the link & Do it Now!” Sandra J. Horton, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host
Use this powerful process to reprogram your mind & subconscious with a one-of-a-kind self-guided hypnotic process to create unshakable confidence & resolve, get unstuck, & create more abundance in your life!
“The most powerful mindset and attitude tool I’ve ever experienced. Words can’t describe how unique and how life-changing this program is. It rewires your brain to focus on the attitude that can best serve you. In the first year of owning it, I think I listened to it over 100 times. I’m recommending it to anyone who wants an unstoppable attitude of success.” –Joe Soto,Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur, Waterford, VA
If you want your life to change you must change things in your life. The first and most important update is changing your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.
“Best results I’ve ever gotten on a hypnotic audio before! –Nicholas Montegna, Pennsauken, NJ
“You can do whatever you make up your mind to do. Not only can you do it, but you can succeed. Unless of course, you give away your power and quit somewhere along the way. Once you absolutely, firmly decide you will do it, that’s it period! When your mindset is, no matter what happens I will prevail, you make your success imminently possible. When you are convinced, you will, you will.
You can’t be wishy washy, doubtful, worried or fearful. It may seem scary, but courage is doing it even while afraid. You aren’t hoping to make it happen. You’re not wishing. You are convinced and feeling certain that you can and will do it. That conviction puts you into the 1 or 2% of those who succeed in making their dreams come true. Most don’t commit. They try. If things get tough, they quit.
Here’s what will see you through. Feel blessed. Feel grateful. Celebrate. Be enthusiastic and joyful no matter what. Have faith, the certainty and confidence you will make it happen no matter what life throws at you. Make thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving this a habit and nothing can hold you back! You have a greater chance winning the game if you think, feel and play your best. Get it?
Reframe hardship. Stop thinking things happen to you to prevent you. It’s better to think, even if it isn’t true, that things happen to guide you. One door closes another opens mentality. Be grateful when things change. A stop sign is a gift. It means pause. Look. Proceed or change direction. Take hardship as feedback. Adjust and continue. Learn from mistakes and disasters and keep going.
The more flexible you are in your mind and behavior the more possibilities, opportunities and resources you discover. Chance favors a prepared mind! The more you do the more you become capable of doing. The more aware you become the more you can become aware of. Get it? Your talents and skills increase. Your ability to recognize and take advantage of goodness increases!
Know you will find a way even if you don’t know what that way is at this moment! It will become obvious to you as you move forward. Have faith! Believe in yourself. By doing this, you train your subconscious what you want it to do, and it gets acted upon immediately. If it’s a worthwhile goal, stay with it. Never give up and you will get what you want. Act from your power.
Define your chief purpose. Write it out and clarify it. Understand it. Memorize it. Start repeating it day in and day out. See it in your mind’s eye as already accomplished. Celebrate and enjoy! Say thank you all throughout your day! Delight in all moments and you’ll discover so much more! The more you do the more you can do. The more flexible you become the more flexible you are.
The more you think positively and the more you feel good, the quicker and easier the process becomes. The faster you make it a reliable habit. The faster and easier you make it a reliable habit the more good things can happen because you create momentum. Keep repeating this process until your subconscious mind picks it up and automatically works on it. This IS how you make success a habit! What you want to do with ease you must first do with diligence. Get it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS Subscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! Comment. Like and share blog with others. Give a gift that keeps on giving! PLUS, Join the Daily Discussions on Clubhouse in Rex’s Sikes’ Celebrate Everything! room. Find us on Clubhouse!
The Attitude Activator™ is the only hypnotic process you will ever need! USE IT NOW TO DEVELOP THE POSITIVE MINDSET AND BELIEFS TO ATTRACT AND LIVE THE GOOD LIFE YOU DESIRE MOST! — Get the Attitude Activator™ TODAY and transform your life!
If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got AND doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting a different result IS the definition of insanity. Stop the insanity!
“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful & resourceful & abundant! Click the link & Do it Now!” Sandra J. Horton, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host
Use this powerful process to reprogram your mind & subconscious with a one-of-a-kind self-guided hypnotic process to create unshakable confidence & resolve, get unstuck, & create more abundance in your life!
“The most powerful mindset and attitude tool I’ve ever experienced. Words can’t describe how unique and how life-changing this program is. It rewires your brain to focus on the attitude that can best serve you. In the first year of owning it, I think I listened to it over 100 times. I’m recommending it to anyone who wants an unstoppable attitude of success.” –Joe Soto,Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur, Waterford, VA
If you want your life to change you must change things in your life. The first and most important update is changing your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.
“Best results I’ve ever gotten on a hypnotic audio before! –Nicholas Montegna, Pennsauken, NJ
“I recently received this message I want to share. It’s a reminder from Shirin Miranda ‘The more you do, the more you can do. Give yourself the permission to succeed, have fun, enjoy and continue then it will get easier and better.’ – Rex Sikes. This was in my notes when I listened to you in the Think and Grow Rich summit. THANK YOU for sharing, Rex Sikes.’ AND thank you Shirin for the reminder. Always the best!
I’ve said this for many years. It’s wonderful when people hear it and discover it. When a person realizes this and takes it to heart. Sometimes while reviewing, we later discover something we previously wrote down or read. This IS the very reason you want to go back through your notes. It’s why you want to revisit material you’ve read and study it. Later, at a different time, you may notice something obvious you had missed.
If we apply what we’ve been studying it’s beneficial to return repeatedly because we change between each reading or listening. We come to ‘old’ material with a new mind. I’ve countlessly been told people listen to my programs or watch them over and over for years and continually discover new things. The programs remain the same. The principles, practices, methods and strategies were there, but NOW they noticed.
Illumination is hidden in plain sight. The secrets are in the open, however the student must be ready for the teacher or lesson to appear. It’s true.‘The more you do, the more you can do. Give yourself permission to succeed. Have fun, enjoy and continue. Then it will get easier and better.’ It’s a process. You progress. You move forward more easily the more you enjoy the process. The more you do, the more you can do.
All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim; have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.’ – Orison Swett Marden. You can accomplish more by staying focused on your goal, especially when you choose one that stretches you. If it’s too small, it doesn’t matter to you. If it’s a bit scary it’s probably the right size. It causes you to leave your comfort zone. This is good.
What’s required? That your goal be something worthwhile, that you really want to make happen. It may seem impossible, but you decide you want to make it happen. Because of your passion and commitment, you stay focused on creating it and attracting the right resources and people along the way to help you. The bigger and important the mission the more people will join you. The more may also criticize or discourage.
Stay focused. Persist. Here’s a few quotes by Earl Nightingale that are important to keep in mind. ‘Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.’ If time is going to pass anyway, you might as well make good use of it. ‘We will not receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service.” Get this!
It’s about service and making it happen. It’s not about wishing. Here’s a few more. ‘Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.’ Notice he says worthy. It ought to be worthy to you and worthy to others as well! ‘The key that unlocks energy is ‘Desire’. It’s also the key to a long and interesting life. If we expect to create any drive, any real force within ourselves, we have to get excited.’ Be passionate! Thrive!
‘Your world is a living expression of how you are using and have used your mind.’ ‘Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us.’ ‘We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.’ ‘Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.’ Earl Nightingale
Get it! Attitude IS everything! Every moment should be enjoyed AND savored. Why? Because we become what we think about most frequently. The outer world is a reflection of your inner world. So, don’t wait for something outside yourself to make you happy. He had lots of great quotes and ideas for us to implement. Don’t let them be only platitudes you don’t act on but take them to heart. Hear them, understand and apply.
Because as Earl pointed out, ‘We must be the epitome, the embodiment of success. We must radiate success before it will come to us. We must first become mentally, from an attitude standpoint, the people we wish to become.’ Earl Nightingale. Understand we must first BE IT to DO IT to HAVE IT!! Now become it. Go and do likewise. Enjoy and share my blogs. Revisit my materials. Study and apply. Revisit my programs. They work! They show you how to make everything work together for good. Live, learn, laugh and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PSSubscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! Comment. Like and share blog with others. Give a gift that keeps on giving! PLUS, Join the Daily Discussions on Clubhouse in Rex’s Sikes’ Celebrate Everything! room. Find us on Clubhouse!
Get your copy today! Get some for family, friends and others. It makes a great gift!
“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms.It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” – Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist
This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host
“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate
“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
Get Them and Give Them Away as Paul Macfarlane does!
“Ask yourself, ‘What do I believe about myself? Who do I think I am?’ The answers matter. Whatever you believe about yourself determines what you think is possible. The beliefs you hold determine whether you are happy and successful or not. You feel uplifted and confident, or you don’t. Understand this. Whatever you hold to be true about you affects you. Who you think you are causes what you do and don’t.
The feelings you feel come from who you think you are. What you say and how you speak about yourself, and the world comes from who and what you believe yourself to be. Most people believe the world, circumstances, events and others hold power over them. They say, ‘I’m unhappy because he or she did this to me. I’m a failure because I never got my shot. The bank won’t approve my loan so I can’t do anything.’
Those are thoughts. Your beliefs are thoughts you repeatedly think to yourself. They may not be true, but they can hold you back if you let them. They’re what you say to yourself. They’re how you explain yourself and the world. AGAIN, they’re only thoughts. Here’s the big deal. You are the thinker. You think thoughts you came to accept about yourself while you were growing up. Then you looked for evidence of them.
Through experience you either validated them or dismissed them, let them go and decided to think something else instead. Many find validation for the limitations they accepted. If you thought differently, you could discover other ‘truths’. If you thought, you can instead of can’t it would’ve made a difference. DO you get this? Thinking makes it so. Saying it is so and seeing it as so, makes it that way.
What we hold in our mind determines how far we travel just as how much gas we have in our tank determines how far we can go. What you believe about yourself saves you or sinks you as Reverend Ike would say. AND again, here’s the thing. A thought isn’t anything but an electro-chemical impulse interpreted in the language you use. You think, ‘I am fat.’ Then you think, ‘I shouldn’t think that.’ Thoughts on thoughts.
You feel bad for being fat. Then on top of it you feel bad for feeling bad. Get this. Your inner critic, voice, monologue is just a kind of automatic tape loop that goes on endlessly. You may never be able to turn it off. However, you can decide what to listen to just as you can choose what to listen to on your radio. You are the thinker. You are the one who can choose. You may not have known this, but it’s true AND it’s up to you.
Instead of giving your power away to others, circumstances and events, take it back. Instead of thinking you’re a bad person for having certain thoughts, decide to think better thoughts. Think you are a good person. The only reason you don’t yet is because what you think is a habit. You think the same things day by day. You think the same thoughts over and over depending on what’s going on. They’re habitual.
Learn to think differently and you’ll feel differently. If you take the same path every day you see the same things. Take a different path and you see different things. Think different thoughts and you’ll feel different. Accept responsibility for thinking your thoughts. Blaming others, your past, parents or circumstances will just keep you stuck and not able to change. Decide to become choosy about thinking and think differently.
Decide to only think the best, most positive and optimistic thoughts about yourself and you’ll feel different. Feeling different will cause you to say and do different things and get different results. Want better results? Think better thoughts! Listen to what you say and how you say it and you’ll learn what you believe to be true. Your beliefs are expressed constantly. Your opinions and what you value are clues. as are your rules.
Ask yourself what you believe about yourself and who you think you are. If you don’t like the answer, change it. Whatever the answer was or is, IS causing you to suffer or enjoy your life. Ask yourself the question frequently and you’ll discover your assets and limitations. Beliefs aren’t true or not. They’re just useful. They either serve to make you feel better and do things or they don’t serve you.
Whatever problems you have or think you have come from your habitual thought patterns. Thought patterns are the automatic repetitive tape loops. Thought patterns can be changed. All habits can be changed. Believe it or not. BUT what you believe about your ability to change thought patterns determines the kind of experience you may go through. Get it? What you think is true, is true for you. Easy or hard? you decide!
They uplift or sink you. If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re correct. Said Henry Ford. He also said, I never let what I can’t do prevent me from doing what I can. Think about these statements. He says, don’t let your thoughts rule you. It’s important to understand. You ought to rule your thoughts. Whatever you believe determines how you will act. How you act determines your results. Start choosing to think better.
Understand that’s who you are. You’re the chooser! Stop acting, being and living like a victim. Take the reins and ride the horse. Tell the horse where you want it to go. Don’t let the horse decide. Don’t let automatic, habitual auditory tape loops or internal repetitive negative imagery decide for you. YOU decide. You take charge. You speak it and see it as it ought to be. What you believe and speak IS what you get! Get it?
Do this exercise to clean house. Throw out the old junk and make room for the new. Stop giving your power away. Stop blaming others or yourself. Start living better by thinking and feeling better. What you believe and say about yourself creates your heaven or hell. What you think about you bring about. Choose what you want to think and feel. You choose which road you want to travel on to get somewhere. YOU. YOU choose!
Understand whatever you choose to believe is true for YOU. It is your subjective truth. We’re not talking about objective, external truths. That’s a different discussion. What is true for you IS true for you. Whatever ever you choose to believe and there’s millions and millions of choices becomes YOUR truth. It’s your truth about you, others and the world. YOUR truth determines what you find in your world and what you miss.
Remember, YOU are the chooser and maker of your truth. You don’t say the road chose you. Be the boss of your thoughts. If you will, you’ll discover how much more wonderful life can be. Life gets better and better the more you love, laugh, learn and celebrate. The more grateful you are, the more incredible everything becomes. Want a good life? think good thoughts. Want more money? Think prosperously! Get it?
Want to be happy? Think happy thoughts. Want to feel peaceful? Think peaceful thoughts. Want love in your life? Think more loving thoughts. Decide what you want and think it into being. From within to without. Decide what you deserve. You are worthy. You can do this. It can begin to immediately change when you change it. Your problems no longer need to be your problems. They can be former problems. Let them go. Change your thinking (your beliefs) for the better. Do this. Rock it! Read ‘Life On Your Terms’ for much, much more. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Get your copy today! Get some for family, friends and others. It makes a great gift!
“This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host
“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author
“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms.It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” – Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist
“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate
Get Them and Give Them Away as Paul Macfarlane does!
I decided to share some quotes by physicist Max Planck.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” “It is not the possession of truth, but the success which attends the seeking after it, that enriches the seeker and brings happiness to him”. “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”
“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.
We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” “Modern physics has taught us that the nature of any system cannot be discovered by dividing it into its component parts and studying each part by itself… We must keep our attention fixed on the whole and on the interconnection between the parts. The same is true of our intellectual life.
It is impossible to make a clear cut between science, religion, and art. The whole is never equal simply to the sum of its various parts.” “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” Max Plank
1.Here’ssome immediate help to power up your visualizing, affirmations and feelings!! The Attitude Activator™ helps you see, hear and feel what you want to create and attract. Is a powerful tool to move you steadily in the direction of your dreams with more ease, joy, positivity and delight. Stop negativity, unwanted habits and old programming. Activate your attitude. I’ve designed the Attitude Activator™ to help you do this right now. Make meaningful changes in your life. Take control of your mindset.
Positively program your mind for health, wealth, happiness, love and success! I invite you to take two powerful actions today: Get the Attitude Activator™.
Using the Attitude Activator™ can propel you miles ahead of where you are now. It’s a unique self-guided hypnotic process designed to reprogram your mind for unshakable confidence, help you get unstuck, and create more abundance in your life.
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“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful, resourceful, and abundant! Click the link and do it now!” —Sandra J. Horton, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host, Vancouver
“I am HUGELY enjoying my Attitude Activator! I’ve been using it 4-5 times a week at night just before bed, and occasionally during the day instead of a lunch break. Wow! It really shifts the attitude around and I feel I can tackle anything afterward; I am usually able to see particularly vexing issues in a new light soon afterward. Attitude is everything — yes it’s nearly a cliched term and none the less true regardless – and your audio program provides the perfect shift for the only thing that determines everything.” – Walter Terry, Seattle
“The most powerful mindset and attitude toolI’ve ever experienced. Words can’t describe how unique and life-changing this program is. In the first year of owning it, I listened to it over 100 times. I recommend it to anyone who wants an unstoppable attitude of success.” —Joe Soto, Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur, Waterford, VA
2. Tired of feeling stuck? Learn how to stop creating trauma and drama in your life. I show you how to turn resistance into momentum and build a champion mindset to attract the success you deserve. I’ll help you Unlock Your True Potential and break free from doubt, fear, and limitations! My revolutionary book, ‘Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want,’ is the guide you’ve been searching for! This isn’t just another self-help book. It’s a transformative manual for personal and professional success, offering practical steps to get you from where you are to where you truly want to be. Real-Life Principles That Work! Get my book & get $497 free bonus!
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Introducing my groundbreaking Einstein & Tesla’s Genius™ Course, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break free from limitations, tap into your own untapped genius, and transform your life. This is for YOU! Click To Learn More!
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“More people take better care of their cars than their bodies. They put better fuel in their tank than fuel in their body. If this is you, it is time to start taking care of yourself. Don’t skimp on the only body you have. It’ not just your body’s health that’s important but also your mental and emotional health too. Exercise has a great effect on the entire person. Start doing more of it. You’ll notice benefits all around.
People complain they don’t have time to do good things for themselves. They’re too busy to take a few minutes each day and devote it to their well-being. They don’t eat, sleep, exercise or think right for their own over-all good. If you are too busy, that is one of the first things you ought to change. Make time to take care of yourself. What if it didn’t take all that long to make and get some profound benefits?
Would you do it? The New York Times, May 9, 2013, reported on the ‘Scientific Seven Minute Workout.’That’s right, 7 minutes! You use your own body weight, a chair and a wall! Most people could find 7 minutes. Can’t you? OF COURSE, YOU CAN! Give it a shot, take seven minutes in your day to feel better. If you can’t do the exercises recommended in the article there are other things you can do.
Health experts have suggested taking the stairs instead of elevators. Stand up for a few moments every hour. Park further away and walk into the store or restaurant. While a period of dedicated exercise has benefits, finding more time to move during the day has benefits too. Go for a walk and look round. Look as far off as possible. Let your eyes get some benefit too. Sitting at desks, indoors restricts our vision.
Look out the window every hour. Research has demonstrated that exercise is a proven effective strategy in overcoming depression. One study from Psychosomatic Medicine, 62, 633-638 found that 3 groups of patients used medication, a combination of medication and exercise and exercise alone to treat depression. All three groups experienced similar improvements in the beginning of the research.
However, the follow up months later proved to have some different dramatic results. These are important to note. You do not have to be depressed to experience the benefits noted. Of those who had been prescribed medication alone 38% had slipped back into depression 6 months later. Those who were prescribed medication and exercise fared slightly better at 31%. Get this? Notice the differences!!
The group who only utilized exercise as treatment relapse rate wasjust 9%. Thebiggest and long-lastingchange came when patientsused only exerciseto manage their emotions. There may be another reason for this positive change. Exercise proved beneficial for the 2 research groups. The reason the ‘exercise only’ group may have the better results IS due to getting exercise and the experience of being in control.
They experience being in control of their changes.Being in charge is a significant predictor of positive outcomes. Because they are in control they are able to initiate and maintain the results. Understand how this relates to you. This means this group had to be self-initiators. They could not and did not rely on an outside element or ingredient to assist them. They did it by themselves.Attitude matters. It’s everything!
They just had to make themselves do the exercise and this alone has positive implications and benefits. Thus, they were able to continue whereas the others did not. The efficacy of medication has been called into question in several studies. It’s reported to be less effective than placebo in some research. This indicates that it’s not the medication that’s effective but the belief that it has some benefit.
What does that sound like to you? The Placebo Effect. Medication is frequently recommended in conjunction with therapy or other practices even though by itself it may have no merit. Think about that for a moment. The medicine may not be effective but is prescribed in addition to other practices that are known to be helpful. Why? Consider the power of belief, attribution and the pharmaceutical $$$$$ biz.
If the medicine doesn’t work but you include it with something that does, you may think it’ the medicine. AND if you believe it’s the medicine then that belief possibly benefits you, even if the actual ingredients don’t. Get this!! Our beliefs and expectations create our reality AND reflect our reality. It can be useless and beneficial if we believe it is. Science has borne this out again and again. Mindset matters.
I’m not a doctor and I’m making no medical recommendations. The research in this area IS worth looking into. There’s great power in being mentally, emotionally and physically healthy that enhances everything you do. Inner spiritual and physical health enhances financial health and wellbeing. It’s all part of the same cybernetic system. Want to be wealthier? Get healthier in spirit, mind, emotions and body.
Find practices that are easy to keep doing and provide the most benefit. Ultimately, come to your own well-informed conclusions. The important news IS you don’t need to be diagnosed as depressed to improve your mood and feel happier. Exercise helps your brain grow healthier. It releases important hormones for wellbeing. It helps you think, feel better, relax more and sleep better to get better results.
You get better results! Thinking better helps you in life and business. If you can take more time to exercise, take it. Do something positive for yourself. Youwillbe glad you did. Walk for at least 20 minutes. Do this two or three times a day. More if you’re able. An uninterrupted hour daily walk outside is even better. Prioritize and schedule improving your own mental, emotional and physical fitness.
Thinking and feeling better is easy when you devote some time to it! Manage your time to engage in healthy practices. Make your overall health a priority. If nothing else, on your lunch break go for a stroll. Walk, jump, skip, run, stretch, skateboard. Do anything that gets your body moving. Dedicate yourself to your own wellbeing. What positive daily practice will you commit to today? After you do it, you’ll be glad you did. More next time. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS Subscribe and Follow Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! Comment. Like and share this blog with others. Give a gift that keeps on giving!
The Attitude Activator™ is the only hypnotic process you will ever need! USE IT NOW TO DEVELOP THE POSITIVE MINDSET AND BELIEFS TO ATTRACT AND LIVE THE GOOD LIFE YOU DESIRE MOST! — Get the Attitude Activator™ TODAY and transform your life!
If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got AND doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting a different result IS the definition of insanity. Stop the insanity!
“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful & resourceful & abundant! Click the link & Do it Now!” Sandra J. Horton, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host
Use this powerful process to reprogram your mind & subconscious with a one-of-a-kind self-guided hypnotic process to create unshakable confidence & resolve, get unstuck, & create more abundance in your life!
“The most powerful mindset and attitude tool I’ve ever experienced. Words can’t describe how unique and how life-changing this program is. It rewires your brain to focus on the attitude that can best serve you. In the first year of owning it, I think I listened to it over 100 times. I’m recommending it to anyone who wants an unstoppable attitude of success.” –Joe Soto,Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur, Waterford, VA
If you want your life to change you must change things in your life. The first and most important update is changing your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.
“Best results I’ve ever gotten on a hypnotic audio before! –Nicholas Montegna, Pennsauken, NJ
Shocking studies demonstrate the power of your mind! Read the blog and the research:
“I’ve been arguing for the conscious application of the placebo effect for 40 years. I’ve been mocked in books and articles for suggesting you can use the power of your mind to make positive changes in your health, happiness, wealth and success. Attitude is everything. What you expect to happen opens the door for that very expectation to manifest. What you think about, you bring about. GET THIS!
It’s why I have written a daily blog for more than 10 years. It’s why I created the Attitude Activator™, Mind Design™ and other programs. You and I need to understand the incredible, usually untapped potential of our mindset which is our beliefs, our attitudes, our expectations. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are correct. You must develop a winner’s attitude to win. GET THIS!
Thinking makes it so. Believing makes it so. I’m not talking about fantasy thinking like wishing for an elephant to appear in your room. I’m talking about all those things within the laws of nature that you are capable of. People have done incredible things in moments of crisis because they tap into these inner reserves. People heal, become wealthy, attract love and live happier lives when they expect to.
I am sharing a few studies which demonstrate how powerful your mind, your attitude, your beliefs, your expectations, your thoughts are. Pay attention. I hope I convince you to do every positive thing you can to develop a positive, powerful, optimistic healthy attitude. Take charge of your thinking and you take charge of your life. Change your thinking and you can transform your life! GET THIS!
I’ll show you more and share more in upcoming blogs. If you’d like to learn more in the meantime get Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want.There are so many important studies, findings and applications for you to discover and use to create the health, wellbeing, wealth and success you want. As I’ve pointed out for more than 40 years we’ve great power to learn to use purposefully.
When I began this work more than 40 years ago there were handful of studies. Doctors routinely dismissed the Placebo Effect. Today, there’s more than 45,000 studies on the Placebo/Nocebo effect, the power of attitude and beliefs, visualization and creating wellness in your mind. Studies regarding weight lifting, piano playing and more. I discuss in my book. We’ve come a long way.
I can’t emphasize enough how important your attitude towards yourself, others and life is. What you think about you bring about. What you focus on expands. There are many examples of Nocebo Effects, or unwanted, undesirable effects occurring from negative attitudes, expectations and thoughts. There are many examples of positive effects by maintaining a positive, optimistic attitude. Understand this.
There’s no substitute for developing a healthy, positive attitude because the alternative sucks! I hope this speaks to your heart and mind and you make a deliberate choice to take charge of your life, health, wealth, love, happiness and success by developing an unstoppable, unwavering, positive belief in yourself and the goodness from within and all around you. Celebrate everything and everything changes. GET THIS. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
1. Case Reports
2007 May-Jun;29(3):275-7.
Nocebo effects with antidepressant clinical drug trial placebos
Roy R Reeves1, Mark E Ladner, Roy H Hart, Randy S Burke
We describe an individual who experienced unusual negative effects while taking a placebo during a clinical drug trial. A 26-year-old male took 29 inert capsules, believing he was overdosing on an antidepressant. Subsequently, he experienced hypotension requiring intravenous fluids to maintain an adequate blood pressure until the true nature of the capsules was revealed. The adverse symptoms then rapidly abated. The nocebo effect (undesirable symptoms following administration of an inert substance that the patient believes to be an active drug) may have significant negative impacts on certain patients. Further research is warranted to better understand this phenomenon.
2. Eur J Neurol
2012 May;19(5):672-80.
Epub 2011 Oct 4.
Nocebo in fibromyalgia: meta-analysis of placebo-controlled clinical trials and implications for practice
D D Mitsikostas1, N G Chalarakis, L I Mantonakis, E-M Delicha, P P Sfikakis
Background: Nocebo refers to adverse effects (AEs) generated by negative expectations that medical treatment will likely harm instead of heal and can be assessed in placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials (RCTs). We examined AEs following placebo administration in RCTs for fibromyalgia (FM), a condition characterized by patients’ poor medication adherence, which may affect outcome and/or increase healthcare costs.
Methods: Following a systematic Medline search for RCTs for FM pharmacologic treatment published between 2001 and 2010, we assessed percentages of placebo-treated patients reporting at least one AE or discontinuing because of placebo intolerance and searched for factors influencing nocebo’s extent. Percentages were compared with those revealed by similar meta-analyses of RCTs for multiple sclerosis and primary headaches.
Results: Data were extracted from 16 RCTs fulfilling search criteria. Of 2026 placebo-treated patients, 67.2% (95%CI: 51.0-81.5%) reported at least one AE, and 9.5% (95%CI: 8.3-10.9%) discontinued placebo treatment because of intolerance. AEs in placebo arms corresponded quantitatively and qualitatively to those in active drug arms (ρ > 0.88, P < 0.0001). Younger age and larger placebo arm size were associated with increased dropout rates. Patients with depression were more likely to withdraw from trials. Nocebo dropouts in FM trials were fourfold and twofold higher than in RCTs for multiple sclerosis treatment and migraine preventive treatment, respectively.
Conclusions: Nocebo is remarkably prevalent in FM patients participating in RCTs. Because nocebo contributes to drug intolerance and treatment failure in clinical practice, identification of predisposing factors and efforts to prevent nocebo by educating these patients appropriately may be important for FM outcome.
The placebo effect suggests your mind can be as powerful in some cases as the treatment itself.
It might be easy to shrug your shoulders whenever you hear someone say “it’s all about mind over matter,” but sometimes, especially with medical research, that’s literally the case. The mind can be a powerful thing that helps your body heal through times of stress and duress, and in some cases, it can be powerful enough to cause what’s known as the placebo effect….
‘The effects of positive expectancy in a study of 152 cancer patients at Travis Air Force Base, the major Air Force medical facility on the West Coast. Five staff members rated the patients on their attitude toward treatment and evaluated their responses to treatment over the next eighteen months. The results were clear: those patients with positive attitudes had better responses to treatment; those with negative attitudes had poorer responses. In fact, of the 152 patients only two who had shown a negative attitude had a good response to treatment. The most significant finding of the study was that a positive attitude toward treatment was a better predictor of response to treatment than was the severity of the disease. That is, patients who had very serious prognoses but positive attitudes did better than patients who had relatively less serious prognoses but negative attitudes. In addition, patients who began to view their treatments positively often reported reduced side effects.’ …
Simonton Md, O. Carl; Creighton Phd, James; Simonton, Stephanie Matthews. Getting Well Again (pp. 82-83). Random House Publishing Group.
The Attitude Activator™ is the only hypnotic process you will ever need! USE IT NOW TO DEVELOP THE POSITIVE MINDSET AND BELIEFS TO ATTRACT AND LIVE THE GOOD LIFE YOU DESIRE MOST! — Get the Attitude Activator™ TODAY and transform your life!
If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got AND doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting a different result IS the definition of insanity. Stop the insanity!
“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful & resourceful & abundant! Click the link & Do it Now!” Sandra J. Horton, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host
Use this powerful process to reprogram your mind & subconscious with a one-of-a-kind self-guided hypnotic process to create unshakable confidence & resolve, get unstuck, & create more abundance in your life!
“The most powerful mindset and attitude tool I’ve ever experienced. Words can’t describe how unique and how life-changing this program is. It rewires your brain to focus on the attitude that can best serve you. In the first year of owning it, I think I listened to it over 100 times. I’m recommending it to anyone who wants an unstoppable attitude of success.” –Joe Soto,Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur, Waterford, VA
If you want your life to change you must change things in your life. The first and most important update is changing your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.
“Best results I’ve ever gotten on a hypnotic audio before! –Nicholas Montegna, Pennsauken, NJ