“Some people spend much of their time dragging around bad memories from the past that they dwell on and share with others. They fret about current circumstances and report to others their present concerns and anxieties about the future. Do you?
Stop wasting time thinking negatively because these behaviors impact how you think, feel, what you do, how you experience life and the results you get. People feel bad without realizing it’s the very things they’re thinking on perpetuating the unwanted bad feelings.
Here’s a way to change all that, feel better and get far better results! If you’d spend that time thinking about all the good stuff from your past, present and future you will feel happier and healthier. Instead of feeling bad, you’d feel good and that’s far more productive.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
When you feel good you find more opportunities and enjoy life that much more. So take a few minutes every day to genuinely focus on the good memories and the good moments right now and the good moments you expect to have and you’ll start changing swiftly.
Focus your attention on the present moment and what is good right now. If you’re outside you might enjoy feeling the breeze and how pleasant it is. If you are bathing, showering or swimming, notice how wonderful the water feels on your skin. Notice how refreshing it is.
Become more aware of the good happening now. What are you feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting that’s good? Focus. Become more aware of it. Let the good feelings arise pay attention to now. Delight in it. Welcome it. Receive it. Bask in it and it grows.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
Get fully into the moment. Become mindful, Zen-like, about this moment. Delight in it. Savor this moment. Focus on what you’re doing. Instead of eating while reading, on your phone or listening to news just eat your food. Delight in the aromas and flavors. Taste it.
When you think back on things find the good things. Stop dragging around the nasty stuff and start appreciating the good. If you have habitually been mostly negative it may seem as if it takes effort to think positive and recall the good. At first, this may be accurate.
With a little repeated practice, it will get easier and easier. You’ll remember more and more good times more easily and soon you’ll let the good times roll. The same is true about future worries. STOP and realize most things we worry about never happen. Let go. Let go.
Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
You’ll feel differently and happier soon. Do this for 30 or 90 days and you’ll be well on your way to developing a strong, productive, useful habit that helps you enjoy life so much more. Linger on your positive experiences. Savor them. Open up. Wrap up in them.
The feelings get stronger. They amplify and last longer. Appreciation appreciates. Start with a couple of minutes, a few times a day, and you’ll start noticing wonderful positive changes soon enough. You’ll discover by adding awareness to activities they become enjoyable.
Instead of mindlessly going through moments, inattentive and zoned-out, I encourage you to drop into the present. STOP thinking and just BE with it. NOTICE. ALLOW, As you do this your moment becomes magical and memorable. The more miraculous moments you have the more your library of good feelings and positive experiences becomes larger. This is an incredible habit to develop and asset to have. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Get a $497 BONUS training for free when you purchase my book ‘Life On Your Terms’ from Amazon. Check it out! If you already purchased follow the easy instructions on my website and you’ll get the training too!
“‘Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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