“It is another glorious day! What can you do today to feel thankful and receptive? Both are important. Take inventory of everything you are grateful for and celebrate in your life. The people, places, activities, things, times in your life, anything and everything in your past and present are fair game.
Your health, wealth, relationships, you career, job, transportation, hobbies whatever they are, whatever their state or condition, it is important to be grateful for, whatever it is. Your money no matter how much or how little be thankful!
If you focus on lack or not having enough or troubling circumstances you get back what you are focused on. You open the doorway for more when you are happy with what you have! When you feel grateful you begin to change you being. You change yourself.
You keep your focus on gratitude in the present AND your goals. You imagine your abundant future as completed. You see it AS IF it is already in your possession. You visualize the future as already having manifested in your life. You feel that future AS IF it is your present. That is how you approach your goal. Someday never ever comes. Today is here and now!
Keep your visualization and affirmations in mind and think about them day and night each day. Feel great! Feel passionate and enthusiastic! Delight in it! Imagine already having what it is you desire and enjoy, savor the incredible feelings! What we focus on we get. What we think about we bring about! Remember this and do these things!
Gratitude launches everything! Develop a positive, powerful sense of gratitude. Appreciate and celebrate all! Start and end your day feeling thankful. This is a HUGE part of this formula for transformation. As you feel grateful allow yourself to open up to receive whatever good benefits are out there for you.
You don’t yet know what these are or how they will come about. BUT allow yourself to get excited and expectant about good things coming your way. Feel the anticipation! Live filled with positive gratitude and expectations! Be thrilled.
DO you understand what you are doing? You develop a mindset that creates the future AS YOUR PRESENT while you celebrate everything about your current situation. This way you are not divided. You are not thinking ‘I want this to happen but life sucks right now’. Instead you say, ‘Everything is wonderful!’ Everything is glorious, congruent and aligned. It is all about generating good feelings.
Your future is marvelous, your present is marvelous and you are able to feel marvelous about your past. Can you imagine how wonderful it is to live each day in this way? Can you imagine how powerful it is to live in celebration and anticipation, excitement, wonder and curiosity? Even in challenges you can see the silver linings. When you think and feel positively you DO make things work out.
You don’t want to be split or divided in your thinking. You don’t want to think ‘my future is rich but I am poor’. You want to think ‘my future is rich and my present is rich and I am thankful for all. All good things come my way.’ You want your affirmations to be present focused. ‘I am rich’.
Feel how good it feels. Imagine and feel all good things coming your way. You can’t see these yet but believe they are coming. They will come IF you do this everyday and do it well. If you do it half way or only every once in a while you won’t get the benefits you desire. If you do get them they will come much slower. Remember, some day never comes.
You want it make these practices a reliable habit. The daily, moment to moment monitoring of your thoughts and feelings is what impresses your subconscious mind (Reticular Activating System) to find opportunities in current situations and to assist you in utilizing your inner resources to make things happen.
More energy goes into starting this process but as you do it it becomes easier. Soon it will become habit and you won’t have to consciously do as much. It is these habits you want to develop! That is when the subconscious has taken over.
Don’t concern yourself with how any of the changes will come about. Just imagine and affirm what you want repeatedly! Feel awesome and believe they will come your way and they ultimately will. The transformation occurs within in. Think rich and you can be rich. Think poor and you will stay poor. Attitude is everything!
You will be delighted and surprised how quickly things begin happening when you genuinely engage in these life changing practices. Keep your focus on what you want because we become what we think about. When you are grateful and receptive you have a marvelous attitude. What you thank about you bring about!
Attitude determines how we approach the world and what others see in us. This is how we attract others to help us. We become so filled with life and energy they come to us magnetically. We become alerted to opportunities we might otherwise have missed. We open up to receive gifts of all sizes and kinds. Enjoy the process!”
Delight in this day!
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