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everyday you have a choice

“Would you like to eliminate fear and anxiety? Would you like to experience greater well being? How would you like  to enjoy better mental and physical health? Here is a way to have this and more!

There is mounting evidence that when we apply the Golden Rule and the notion of ‘pay it forward’ not only do others benefit but  we derive great benefit in too. It helps improve our own health and well-being.  It does wonders for our psyche and out body.

When we willingly and willfully project the best thoughts, feelings, words and actions toward others we relieve stress and reduce fear and worry. This is an  important first step for many. We promote well being outside to others and it works inside us too.

Instead of experiencing the harmful mental and physical effects that anger, hostility and resentment, fear, worry and worse create in us we experience the effects of more peace, love and joy. How is that for a trade off? Here is something important to realize.

Not only do others need our positive energy but we too need to learn to treat ourselves, EVERYONE, with kindness, forgiveness, love and total acceptance too. What is good for the goose is good for the gander AND vice versa. We can learn to love ourselves more.

Someone suggested this sometime ago and thought it was worth sharing. It is well worth applying and practicing. Whomever it was called it a ‘love experiment’. That works for me. This person suggested that we masquerade as the Christ-figure. Yep, act like Jesus for at least a week.

No, don’t try to walk on water or turn it into wine. Instead, bring love into every aspect of your life. I think this is marvelous! Of course, it is your secret, you don’t tell anyone what you are pretending. You simply think and act from the same heart space and BE more loving!

Start out the day by bathing others in mental ‘I love you’s’. Include your family and friends, co-workers, associates and even strangers. I think it is important to include yourself! Monitor your thoughts, words and actions to be certain you are acting of out genuine love.

It may sound silly but imagine how wonderful it would be to feel this way each day and night. Not only will others benefit but you will benefit. You will feel better and better. You’ ll let go more of what isn’t needed or wanted and love, accept and enjoy instead.

If all you ever felt was the joy of loving without conditions imagine how you might live. You have nothing to lose if you try it for a week. You might find you want to do it longer.” Rex Sikes

Have a marvelous day!

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