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let your first thought be thank you

“Who are you? As the author of your life this is an important question?  What legacy will you leave? What will people say about you after you are gone? How will you be remembered? What are they saying today?

Be happy. Life is not about the things we accumulate.  After all, we can’t take them with us. Life is about who we become. If everything we pursued in life never happened, we never arrived, we never obtained, we would be left with only who we are. So who are you?

Who we are is all we have. Who we are is what others know us by. Are you a positive person or not? Are you loving, kind, joyful,  compassionate, peaceful? Are you proactive or reactive? Are you confident, inspiring, playful, tender? Who are you?

People think they need to be successful to be happy but the truth is you need to be happy in order to be successful. From who we are arises everything else. What you think about you bring about. What kind of thoughts do you think mostly? What kind of thinker are you?

Realize you have plenty to be happy about. Express gratitude for what you have. Give thanks.  Appreciate others and appreciate yourself. Appreciate everything because ‘what you thank about you bring about’. What are you grateful for? Who do you appreciate?

You just can’t be negative and happy and grateful at the same time. So practice gratefulness. Live and appreciate everything! When you live in thankfulness you are a positive and inspiring and joyful person. What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

Whatever you appreciate you make room for more. Are you a grateful person? Who you are determines where you go and what you get? Even if you got everything you wanted it could be taken away and you’d be left with you. SO who are you?” Rex Sikes

Enjoy this marvelous day!

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